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Auradon was filled with Princes, Princesses, Kings, and Queens, everyone in Auradon was attending Ben's coronation.

Veronica and Ben sat in a carriage as they were headed to the coronation. Veronica looked down at the blue box on her lap, she swallowed nervously. Ben looked over and noticed her nervousness. 

"Don't be nervous, all you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there," Ben said." Veronica, would you wear my ring?"

"Not now, knowing me I will probably lose it," Veronica replied. Ben lifted up Veronica's right hand and he slipped the ring on her anyways.

"I know you, Veronica. You wouldn't lose it," Ben said. Veronica smiled sadly.

"I have something for you," Veronica said, handing him the box." You know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy." 

"Always thinking, but I can't wait," Ben said, he took a bite of the cupcake.

"No!" Veronica exclaimed.

"What?" Ben asked.  

"Do you feel okay?" Veronica questioned.

Ben nodded his head and replied," Never better."

"Would you say you're still in with the-Do you have very strong feelings for me?" Veronica asked.

"I don't know. Let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect," Ben replied.

"Okay," Veronica said, then she quickly turned to Ben.

"You knew?" Veronica asked. Ben chuckled a bit.

"That you spelled me? Yeah, I knew," Ben replied.

"I can explain myself," Veronica said.

Ben chuckled at her and said," No need. You had a crush on me, I was with Audrey. You didn't trust that it could happen on its own, am I right?"

"Yes, you're so right," Veronica said, even though he wasn't even close to being right." How long have you known?"

"Since are date. Your spell washed off in the enchanted lake," Ben replied.

"So, what? Have you been just faking it since?" Veronica asked, tears welled up in her dark,grey eyes.

Ben gently grabbed her hand and said," I haven't been faking anything." Ben placed his lips on Veronica's hand.

Ben and Veronica stepped out of the carriage, then they walked over to Ben's parents.

Veronica looked at Belle and Adam and said,"About the other day, I just-"

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy," Adam said.

"You also taught me that a king has to belive in himself, even when it isn't easy," Ben said.

"I did?" Adam asked, Queen Belle hit him slightly." I, uh, how very wise of me?" A younger man cleared his throat. Veronica took his hand as they walked inside.


Veronica looked up at her friends, and sister, they looked just as nervous as she did. Veronica took a deep breath to calm herself down, but it wasn't working very well. Fairy godmother uncovered the wand, which was still in Beast's spell jar. Veronica glanced up at Mal, who was looking at the wand.

'You got this, Veronica,' Mal mouthed to her sister. Fairy godmother grabbed King Adam's crown and placed it on Ben's head.

"Do you solemly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon, with justice, and mercy?" Fairy godmother asked.

"I do solemly swear," Ben said.

Fairy godmother smiled, then said," Then it is my honor, and my joy, to bless our new-"Jane grabbed Fairy godmother's wand.

"Take cover!" Adam yelled. Ben ran over and stood in front of Veronica protectivley. Veronica went around Ben, and grabbed the wand of Jane. Veronica tugged on to it, and Jane let go of the wand. She looked Veronica, then ran off. Mal,Evie, Jay, and Carlos ran down to where Veronica was.

"Veronica, give me the wand," Ben said,softly.

"Stand back," Veronica commanded.

"Veronica, just give me the wand," Ben said, trying to calm her down.

"Ben, I said stand back!" Veronica shouted.

"I told you!" Audrey yelled from the crowd. Veronica threateningly pointed the wand at her. Audrey screamed and backed away.

"Come on, Veronica," Mal said.

"Revege time," Jay said.

"You really want to do this?" Ben said, cutting Veronica off.

"I think I want to be good," Veronica said.

"You are good," Ben told her.

"How do you know that?!" Veronica shouted.

"Because.....Because I'm listening to my heart," Ben replied.

"I want to listen to my heart too," Veronica said. Veronica turned to her friends and said," My heart tells me we are not our parents." She looked to Jay and said," I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory with the team make you happy." Carlos was next," And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy, who would've thought." Veronica looked at Evie next," Evie, you don't need to play dumb to get a guy, you are smart." Veronica looked at her sister next, who was smiling at her," And Mal, art makes you happy, not taking over the world with mum." A tear rolled down Veronica's cheek." I want to go to school and be with Ben because Ben makes me really happy." Ben smiled at those words." Us being friends makes me really happy, and Mal, being your sister makes me really happy." Mal looked t her sister, a smirk was on her face, and tears were rolling down her cheeks." I choose good, you guys." Veronica sniffed, hoping someone would join her.

"Being your twin sister makes me really happy. I choose good," Mal said, putting her fist next to Veronica's fist.

"I choose good," Jay said, joining Mal and Veronica. Mal, Veronica, and Jay looked over at Evie.

Evie looked to her friends and said," I choose good." She stuck her fist next to Jay's. The four friends looked at Carlos.

"So we don't have to worry about how mad our parents are going to be?" Carlos asked, causing Veronica, Jay, Mal, and Evie to laugh." Cause they're going to be really mad." 

"Your parents can't reach you here," Ben said. 

"Alright then, I choose good," Carlos said, he put his fist between Jay and Evie's.

"Get over here, Ben," Veronica said. Ben walked over and put his fist between Veronica and Mal. Veronica rested her head on Ben's arm.

"I love you, Veronica," Ben whispered.

"I love you too," Veronica whispered back. The happy atmosphere was interrupted when a boom of thunder could be heard. Lime green smoke filled the room.

An all too familiar voice shouted," I'm back!"

"Mother," Veronica and Mal whispered in unison.

(Sorry for the cliffhanger, I had to. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was fun writing. I will see you all in the next chapter.Bye.)

Word count-1,038 :)

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