If Only

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Evie and Veronica were in science class together. Evie was searching for her mirror, whilst Veronica was twirling her hair around her finger.

Evie kept digging through her bag, but she couldn't find her mirror so she looked up at Veronica and asked," Veronica, have you seen my-"

"Looking for something?" Mr.Delay asked. It was Evie's mirror." Thank you, Chad. It's good to see that someone still respects the honor code. It is my recommendation that you are expelled." 

Veronica was about to say something, but Doug beat her to it," That's not fair! She obviously wasn't cheating she didn't have whatever that thing is called." 

"It's called a magic mirror," Evie said.

Doug turned to her and said," Don't help." Then he turned back to Mr.Delay.

"Maybe she needed to borrow a pencil," Veronica added in.

Evie looked at the two then said," Actually-"

"Don't help," Veronica and Doug said in unison.

"Please, one more chance?" Doug begged.

Mr.Delay sighed and said," Fine. If you can pass this next test will return your property, and let the matter drop."


Veronica was at her locker, grabbing her thing for her next class when he felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to find Ben, a smile was on his face.

"Hey, Ben," veronica greeted.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Ben asked.

"You just did," Veronica replied sarcastically. Ben chuckled and looked at her.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Ben asked.

"Yes, I will," Veronica replied.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 5:30 in your dorm," Ben said, before he left, he pulled Veronica into a hug. She blushed and shyly hugged back. Ben pulled away and left a blushing Veronica. Veronica ran off to go find Evie. But, she found Mal instead.

"Mal!" Veronica called out. Mal turned to find her twin running towards her. 

"Hey. What's up?" Mal asked.

"Ben just asked me out on a date," Veronica. Mal smirked and poked her sister's head." Let's go find Evie!" Mal dragged Veronica across the courtyard where Evie and Doug sat together.

"There you are!" Veronica exclaimed.

"Hey, Veronica. What do you need?" Evie asked. 

Veronica sighed and said," Ben asked me out on a date, and I need your help."

Evie stood up and said," We for this."



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