End Of the story

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Mal, Evie, Jay, Veronica, Carlos, and Ben looked at Maleficent in horror.

"Go away, mother," Veronica said, the wand was still in her hand.

Maleficent started laughing hysterically then said, "She's funny! Here. Wand me. Chop chop." 

"No!" Ben shouted. Veronica acted like she was going to give it to Maleficent, then she threw it to Fairy Godmother.


"Boo," Maleficent finished for her. Everyone but Veronica, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Mal froze.

"Ben," Veronica whispered. Maleficent grabbed the wand and looked at her daughters.

"Where do we start? Oh, I know, let's start by getting rid of this," Maleficent said. Ben's ring flew off Veronica's finger, and onto the wand."Perfect fit!" Tears came out of Veronica's gray eyes as she looked at her bare finger.

"It's okay," Mal said, attempting to comfort her sister. Maleficent looked at the sisters in disgust.

"Falling in love is weak, and ridiculous. It's not what you want," Maleficentsaid towards Veronica.

"You don't know what I want. Mum, have you ever asked me or Mal what we want? We're not you," Veronica said, sniffling at the end.

"Obviously, I've had years, and years, and years of practice. You'll get there," Maleficent said.

"No, we will not. And I really wish you hadn't gone there yourself. Love is not weak, or ridiculous, it's actually really amazing," Veronica said, glancing at Ben.

"I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life!" Maleficent shouted.

"And now I commanded, wand to my hand!" Mal said. The wand flew into Mal's hand.

"It worked!" Veronica yelled.

"I hardly think so, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" Maleficent shouted.

"Wait. Maybe good is really more powerful than evil," Carlos said.

"Oh please. Arf!" Maleficent yelled, trying to scare Carlos. Just then, Dude ran up and jumped on Maleficent.

"Ugh!" Get off me!" Maleficent exclaimed, she pushed Dude off her. Veronica took a quick glance at Ben. Jay ran up and grabbed Maleficent's staff. Maleficentrubbed his arm and said,"Gaston should be jealous." Then, she flicked his nose and he fell backward.

 "Jay!" Veronica called out, hoping her friend was okay.

"Enough!" Maleficent shouted." You all will regret this!"

A green puff of smoke appeared, and Maleficent had turned into a dragon. Maleficent aimed for Jay, and shot fire at him, Jay barely missing it.

"Jay!" Veronica shouted, hoping her friend was okay. Jay ran behind a pillar, but Maleficent was still there. He ran up to their spell jar, Maleficent was there too. Jay turned around and ran towards his friends, who were all shouting for him.

"Come, Jay. Run!" Carlos yelled. Maleficent the dragon opened her mouth like she was going to eat him. Until Evie stepped forwards.

"Magic mirror, shine a bright light!" Evie yelled, her mirror created a blinding light, Maleficent landed in front of the five.

"Get behind me, E!" Mal shouted. She looked at her mother." Leave my friends alone, this is between you and me, mother. Veronica, help me out." 

Veronica and Mal looked at their mother and said," The strength of evil is good as none when it stands before five hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none when it stands before five hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none when it stands before five hearts as one."Mal's eyes started to glow green so did Veronica's start to glow blue. As they stand at their mother, not faltering. Maleficent shrunk and turned into a lizard

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