Lol sorry i died

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Sorry i died i was too busy watching cedric the sorcerer por- ykw never mind what i was doing...


"Freddy, we need to leave..." Y/N says

"Why? Is something wrong?" Freddy asked.

Without saying a word i ran away as quiet as possible. Since freddy was a robot, he was quite loud when he ran. I stopped and turned to him putting my finger on my lips. He nodded and just walked the whole way.

When we got to freddys room, freddy kept begging me to tell him what i saw

"No freddy. You dont wanna know what was in there. Its actually quite disturbing..." i said

"Disturbing? What do you think ive seen- nevermind..." freddy said

That was weird but I decided to not to question it. (Ifykyk)

"You should rest." Said freddy

"I am tired anyway. Thanks freddy." I replied

"No problem." Freddy said.

I laid down in this chair that went back. It wasn't comfortable but it was all i had. As soon i laid down i shut my eyes and started sleeping.

I had this dream of me and sundrop holding hands and walking together in the clouds. Kinda cliche but it felt nice. All of a sudden I couldn't feel his hand anymore. He was gone...

Everything turned dark. I was scared and panicked. I sat down and screamed for help. I dont know what to do. Its just a dream. Its just a dream...

I woke up sweating and crying. Freddy looked at me shocked.

"Are you ok, Y/N? You were shaking and crying a lot." Freddy asked

"Im good freddy. What time is it?" I said


"Shit i have to go. Bye freddy" i said

I left to go home and since I actually got some sleep I decided to watch TV and eat junk food. Goddamn this job is hard.

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