Part 21

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When Donatello made it to his sixth week following surgery, Mona Lisa was invited over to meet the twins and spend some time with the family. She hadn't been over for some time, many months in fact, and she had never seen Don while he was pregnant. She had been away for a while, but she was back now.

When Raphael had said she didn't feel well last week, it was because of a touch of a cold. But she was better now and ready to meet the new additions.

"Hey guys. Long time, no see," Mona greeted.

"Hi, Mona Lisa," Leo replied with a smile. "It's been a long time."

"I know, but I've been keeping busy. I heard of new babies down here. I'd like to meet them," she said.

Don perked up. "Sure, right this way."

The family led her to the nursery where Gaia and Sebastian were. They were sleeping at the moment.

"Aww! They are just darling, guys." Mona kept her voice down. "Can I pick them up?"

"Sure," Don agreed. "Just handle them gently."

"I know how to do that. Most women know how to hold babies gently," she said.

Mona first picked up Gaia. "So, what's this one's name?"

"That's the girl, Gaia," Mike told her.

"And who's the other one?"

"My son, Sebastian," Don answered.

"Are they both yours? You should do a paternity test," Mona suggested.

"We have. They are both Donatello's," Leo said.

Mona laid the baby girl down and then picked up Sebastian.

"Do you ever think about having kids?" Mike asked her.

Mona looked over at him. "Someday maybe. I'm not quite ready for them yet."

"At first, I didn't feel ready for these little guys," Donny sympathized. "It took many months for us all to get prepared. But these babies were also forced on me. I didn't really have a choice, but now I wouldn't give them up for the world."

"I may be a girl, but even I wouldn't want babies forced on me. I'm sorry you were forced into it, Donatello. But if you don't mind, would I be considered their aunt?" Mona asked him.

"Of course you are. Gaia could use a female mutant in her life," Don reasoned.

"Who was your doctor while you were pregnant?" Mona wondered. "If it was any of the others, it could have been you."

"Dr. Jane Goodfellow. She's the head veterinarian at the zoo," Mike explained.

"I've heard of her. She's good to have around," Mona approved.

Sebastian woke up in her arms and began to get fussy. He had never seen this strange mutant lizard female before. He wanted one of his family.

"Here, Donatello. I think he wants you," Mona said. She handed him to his father to calm down.

"He's usually pretty relaxed in anyone's arms. I guess he just didn't know you," Don reasoned.

Mona smiled. "They will as they get older. Thanks for having me over to meet them."

"You're quite welcome, Miss Mona Lisa," Splinter said.

After that, they all had some lunch together and talked some more, until it was time to feed the twins again. Don let Raph and Mike feed them this time. Mona even got to see how gentle Raph was with a baby.

New Hope for the FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora