I created my own species-

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Lunatic Humans (Lunatica Homo Sapiens)
Lunatic humans or also known as Lunatic angels is a species are kinda relate to humans but have many different details to make them powerful for protecting Earth.
Yellow and Purple fish
A unique coloured fish mostly females try to attract to males by their unique appearences
They also like to eat sea weeds and tiny fishes.
Pinata Duck
Kinda akward name but with a cute and adorable ducks with pink square shapes attached to their body
They will be friendly if you stay away if you touch the duck the mother duck can be extremely hostile and protect her ducklings.
Lunatic Dolphins
An very intelligent dolphins that have amazing abilities they can also camoflauge when their enemies are nearby
They also love eat candies and cotton candy
Those are just their important diets unless only Lunatic humans near them can be harmless but they can be docile to humans
Nightmare wolves
You can only found them into your nightmares they are NOT hostile these wolves are harmless they can take you to the fluffy and happy dream.
Lunatic hornbills
Quite friendly hornbill and eats fruit only Lunatic human explained that they can be an excellent companion for you
The island where all can be found:
Lunatic Island
An mysterious island nearby New Zealand but they are hard to see as they are invisible where all lunatic species live.
I will make Part 2 they are lots of species for you all to see bye!

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