A DATE ? or (Just a)DINNER ? pt 3

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One day in the office

Blitzø was watching the 666 news with katie killjoy talking about bulllshit in pentagram city while smoking .

Loona down stairs "DAD PHONE !" 

"ALRIGHT!" he picks up the phone

on the phone

stolas:hello blitzy

Blitzø: *ugh for fucking crying out loud why now * what the fuck do you want , if it's a "personal need"-

Stolas : oh no that's not why I called you

Blitzø:okay then why the fuck did you call me

Stolas:I was wondering if you would like to go to a fabulous dinner with me .

Blitzø:* tf hes asking out for dinner!!?!? * are you asking me out  on a date ?

Stolas: It can if you want it to be darling

Blitzø: *fucksake* tch, anyways why should I go

Stolas:to spent time with me of course  take it as an way for us to get to know each other  better

Blitzø: *fuck it* fine.. I'll go and where exactly? 

Stolas : at this wonderful place called ********* at  ********

blitzø: okay bye stolas and don't expect something afterwards unless I feel generous

Stolas : we'll see about that bye blitzy darlin-

Blitzø: "hangs up"


Stolas gets out of the bath and puts on his robe and goes to the kitchen to get something to eat and see his daughter

" hello my little owlet ".

"Heya dad " Octavia says while one her phone .

Stolas gets some food and eats it while talking to his daughter.

"Are you still listening to that band " stolas asked Octavia

"Which band ?"

"Never mind "

With the IMPS

they were on a kill request to kill a woman named mimi who is a stripper so they were at the strip club.

moxie: uh sir 

Blitzø: what it is moxie

Moxie: I feel like the best way we could kill the girl is to make loona talk to the girl and then pretend to want to hook up with her and then kill her in the spot they were gonna hook up .

All except moxie: ........

Blitzø: No were not sending my daughter-

Loona :adopted daughter

Blitzø:shush anyways were not sending her there to pretend to want to hook up.
that's, just no.


Blitzø: well I say no

Millie: come on blitz shes only pretending and it might work

Blitzø: ugh fine but I swear if she don't come back I will kill you moxie .

Loona goes to talk to the girl

blitzø : gets a phone call

"My Blitzy" Stoliz/stolas x blitzø / Blitzø x Stolas (very cringe) Where stories live. Discover now