A Day With Just The Two Of Us

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Hey guys it's me yourlocalnonbinaryteen her and I'm glad to say I'm going to start posting again so yeah get ready for the cheesy stoliz stories ;w; anyways enjoy

Anyways enjoy

With stolitz

blitz wakes up alone in stolas's bed

"morning blitzy " stolas walks in

"morning stolas " blitz yawns and gets up to grabs his own hoodie and puts it on

"luckily for you my wife isn't going to be here for a week so you and me can have a day with just the two of us"stolas says while going back to the kitchen to finish breakfast

Blitz walks to the kitchen and smells the delicious breakfast "Mm its smells really fucking good "

"Its pancakes ,eggs, and bacon" stolas flips the pancake

After they ate

"So now what ?"bliz asked

"Hm, Oh how about we go to the cinema room and watch movies " stolas suggested

"Since when did you have a movie theater in your castle ?" Out of all the times blitz was there he never knew stolas had a theater

"Oh it's always been here we just never fixed it up but we did and added some little upgrades but yeah we have always had a cinema ,so you want to ."stolas look at blitz

"Sure why not and I hope there's popcorn there" blitz was alittle excited because he had never been to stolas cinema

When they got there

"TADA!"stolas opened the door to this huge Theater

Blitz was honestly surprised of how big the theater was

"HOLY SHIT !"blitz's mouth was wide open

Stolas was happy to see blitz surprised

"So blitzy what movie shall we watch " stolas was by the projector

"Well what moives do you got " blitz was still looking around

"Well we have all the moives including ones from the overworld "
Blitz was incredibly surprised

"well what horror movies do you guys have" blitz looked at the recliner seats

"Well let's see:it ,Halloween, Halloween 2,Halloween 3,it chapter 2
,the purge ,the forever purge,teh nun,and Us "

" what's Us I have never heard of it ? "Stolas was surprised that he never heard about it

" it's a movie from the over wort0ld it's about these people who have I guess evil twins of them and the people control the evil twins and the evil twins, they end up killing the whole world so the evil people can't be controlled by the people " blitz seemed intrested

"Hm sounds very interesting let's watch that one " stolas puts it on and sits next to blitz

After the movie

" damn I did not expect the mom to be the evil one shit "stolas laughed a little

"I'm guessing you liked the movie " blitz noded

"Let's watch another horror movie "

they end up watching all the ones stolas said

"Okay I have had enough of popcorn I want some actual food like pasta" blitz looked at stolas

"Oh I can make you pasta if you want " stolas got up and blitz got up

" can I help " stolas smiled

"Sure you can "

after they ate

they were cuddling blitz was asleep taking a nap while stolas was on his phone

He took a picture of them and posted it saying

"Cuddling time with my blitzy ~ #myimp #adorable #notlonelyanymore" #were doing *censored*later ;)

the end

"My Blitzy" Stoliz/stolas x blitzø / Blitzø x Stolas (very cringe) Where stories live. Discover now