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Sitting on your window sill, you flick through the messages on your datapad. Nothing of interest, some messages from Poe about tomorrow's mission but nothing you're unaware of. You wished that Finn or Poe was throwing a party tonight, but you're just left bored and alone.

"But slow!"

Jumping, you nearly drop the datapad from the balcony. "What the fuck?" You exclaim, looking down at the grass outside your house, "Ben?"

"Which beam through yonder threshold breaks?" He announces, one hand on his heart and the other pointed towards your bedroom window. You immediately know what he's quoting, some unknown script from a has-been author in some outer galaxy, "It is the galaxy, but Juliet is the brighter cosmos!"

"You're an idiot!" You tell him, shaking your head as you watch him smile up at you, "That play is trash."

"'Tis poetic," Ben exclaims, his white smile visible from one story up. He stands normally now, watching you expectantly, "Now, are you going to let me in?"

"Sure, loser!" You scoff, placing your datapad down and heading for the front door. Ben's lucky your parents are out tonight, or you fear your mother would've turned the sprinklers on him. You take a breath before opening the door, coming face to face with your boyfriends loving eyes and quick embrace.

"Baby," he sings happily, "How are you?" He mumbles into the hug, rocking you side to side gently.

"Good," you smile, closing your eyes as you squeeze him tightly, "How are you?"

"Tired," he admits, pulling away before he closes the door behind you, "I had to go to Base today to prepare things for tomorrow's mission."

Your face falls and you frown in confusion, "Oh, really?" You ask, heading upstairs to your room.

"Yeah, times have been bumped up an hour so we have no time to prepare tomorrow," Ben announces as he sits down on your bed, resting his arms behind his head.

You sigh, pouting a bit as you examine the bags under his eyes, "you should've told me, I could have come help, Ben."

"Nah, nah," He mumbles, shrugging you off.

"I did nothing today."

Ben scrunches his nose, a smile appearing on his lips, "No, no, it was... let's just say, it was a consequence for the droid incident last week."

Rolling your eyes, you hold back a laugh, "Makes sense, you really dropped the ball on that one." You tease, laying beside him.

"Yeah, amongst other things." Ben mumbles back, placing an arm around you as he listens to the song playing, "How are you feeling for tomorrow?" He wonders, grabbing your hand and tracing circles on it.

Ben can sense some unease flowing through you, which is not uncommon before missions. He just always likes checking up on you. He'd hate for you to be suffering in silence because he knows how horrible and helpless it feels.

"I don't know," you admit, furrowing your eyebrows as you stare up at the same ceiling, "I think Leia's meeting just put me on edge. It should be quite routine."

After the fall of the empire, some loyal to the regime stuck around. There's been an alert from Resistance allies of suspicious activity from a planet in the Correllian sector. Though there are often sanctioned missions there, a few Rebels have not made it back to base in the last few runs. It has Ben worried, but more than that it has Leia worried.

Ben hums in agreement, "I think it'll be quiet. There hasn't been much activity in a while, and Corellia isn't known for Empire enthusiast as it is for Smugglers." He tells you, pressing a kiss to your hand to calm your nerves.

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