IwaOiMatsuHana Failed plan

340 8 1

WARNING: sexual suggestion

I heard a loud ringing sound as I finally focused back on my surroundings. I quickly closed my notebook and stacked my textbook on top of it. I could hear murmurs around me as people began to talk amongst themselves.

"Remember your project is due Friday, your partners have already been assigned and the library is open later this week, utilize it." I heard my teacher yell over the students as I quickly threw my stuff into my bag. Who was my partner again? I leaned down and picked up my bag before heading towards the door.

"Oikawa-san!" I heard a high pitch voice shout at me causing me to spin on my heels and turn around. I came face to face with an average height girl with black hair and brown eyes.

"Yes?" I politely asked while smiling at her and slowly peeking out the door.

"Where and when do you want to work on the project?" She asked while looking at me with expecting eyes. I slowly moved my hand to scratch the back of my neck.

"Um, it doesn't matter to me as long as it's after volleyball practice." I replied while placing my finger on my chin.

"By that time the library will be closed. We'll have to go to one of our houses." She stated while gripping onto her bag.

"I found him, he's with a girl!" I heard Iwa yell while turning to see him in the doorway of the classroom.

"I called it!" I heard Makki shout back before coming up behind him.

"I'm trying to figure out this partner project." I stated while turning to look at them with my hands on my hips

"So, whose house do you want to go to?" I heard the girl ask before turning back to face her.

"Why don't you go to Kawa's house? It would make it easier." I heard Mattsun say while turning to see him beside Makki.

"I can do that." I heard her reply while I quickly raised my brow towards the three of them. I turned back around to see the girl holding out a piece of paper towards me.

"What is this?" I asked while taking the paper from her and looking down to see a phone number written.

"It's my number so we can talk about the project and so you can send me your address." she said while winking towards me before quickly leaving the room. I let out a sigh before turning to see a pissed off iwa and blank expression across the other two's faces. I felt myself hold back a laughter at their expressions before walking out of the classroom.

"You know now we won't have as much time for lunch." I heard Makki say while I rolled my eyes as I continued walking towards the tables outside the school.

'Blame the person with all the fangirls." I heard Iwa grit out before feeling a sharp pain on the back of my head. Causing my head to snap forward as I quickly rubbed the area he had smacked.

"So mean Iwa-chan!" I whined while puffing out my bottom lip towards him before turning back around. I felt a vibration in my pocket and quickly fished out my phone seeing a text notification.

"Did she seriously text you?" I heard Mattsun ask with an edge to his voice as I watched him glare towards my phone.

"It doesn't matter, I'll look at it later." I replied while shrugging my shoulders before quickly opening the door to see a bunch of other students already eating. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see the three of them give each other a look.

"What are you three up to?" I asked while halfway turning around to look at them with my arms crossed. I watched as Iwa walked up to me before feeling his muscular arms wrap around my waist.

Haikyuu one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora