Tsukiyamakagehina Bad day

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WARNINGS: Talks about bad mental health day

I continued to stare at the blaring lights shining from the alarm clock that read 6:45 AM. Why did we need such a bright alarm, I could feel my brain banging against my skull from it. I could hear some movement coming from around the room.

"Tadashi?" I heard Tsuki's voice say as the sudden movement completely stopped.

"SHit! Did I wake him up?" I heard Tobio say as I heard fast footsteps getting closer. I watched as he came into view before his eyes widened. I simply just turned around, not facing the two of them well wherever Tsuki was located.

"Idiot, you didn't wake him up, he was up when I changed earlier." I heard Tsukki reply with a sigh before hearing footsteps again.

"Oh, why are you still in bed? Hinata went to the store to grab food for breakfast." I heard Tobio say as suddenly my body slightly moved at someone sitting down.

"Is there anything you want in particular?" I heard Tsuki ask before feeling a warm hand rub up and down my side through the cover. I tried to open my mouth but it felt so dry and like a lock had been placed on it. I could feel tears start to form in my eyes as I quickly rolled over to lay my face directly on the pillow.

Suddenly my body was slightly moved as someone else sat down on the bed beside me. Before someone else got up and walked around the room. I felt the person get on the bed again on the other side of me before feeling their chin rest on top of my head as their arms wrapped around my waist. The other person quickly followed after the first by laying beside me and wrapping their arms around me.

"Is today a bad day?" I heard Tsuki ask as his chin slightly moved my hair around. I quickly nodded my head before the irritation from the pillow became too much.

"Are you not hungry?" I heard Tobio ask as I felt his grip on me tighten. I slowly nodded my head before quickly turning it to the side to be met with his blue eyes. I watched them soften before he quickly pulled me into his chest. I fell more towards Tobio as Tsuki got off of the bed as I heard his footsteps disappear. I felt a pain in my heart as my view became blurry before feeling something wet and hot run down my cheeks.

"Shhh it's okay, he's not mad." I heard Tobio calmly say while starting to rub my back. I quickly shook my head no as I felt his arms tighten around me.

"He really isn't mad baby, I'm sure he just went to go help Shoyo." Tobio stated while continuing to rub my back. I suddenly heard hurried footsteps before something was thrown on top of me causing me to let out a groan at the heavyweight. Before I could even move I felt light kisses being placed all over the back of my head.

"Oi! BOKE Don't just jump on him!" Tobio shouted before lowering his voice with what I could imagine a glare.

"I just want to love on him too! Don't be stingy!" I heard Shoyo reply before feeling his arms wrap around me. I could feel the water running even faster down my cheeks.

"Oi! And you upset him!" I heard Tobio shout before feeling one of his arms temporarily leave my waist before immediately going back. I could feel another weight being added to the bed as it shifted before hearing a thump.

"HEY! Don't just push me!" I heard Shoyo yell out before feeling arms wrapped back around me.

I felt warmth beside my ear as Tsuki's breath heated up the skin. "I'm not mad at you, okay?" I heard him say it in more of a question.

I slowly nodded my head before finally being able to mutter out a quiet "Okay." I felt the arms around me stiffen before they quickly went back to their tightened state.

"You did so good Yama!" I heard Shoyo gently say before feeling a hand rubbing my back.

"Yea, such a good job." Tobio repeated before I felt a soft kiss to my temple.

"I'm so proud of you!" I heard Tsuki happily say before lightly kissing the back of my neck. I could feel my lips turning slightly upward at their actions.

"Do you want to go watch a movie downstairs? We could do a movie marathon." I heard Shoyo ask as I quickly nodded my head, not really having the energy to do much else.

"Okay, I'll go get the movies together." I heard Tobio say as he slowly pulled away and got up out of the bed. As soon as he was off the bed I was quickly pulled into someone else's chest.

"I'll go get the snacks!" I heard Shoyo excitedly say trying to hold himself back from yelling.
"C'mon let's head down." I heard Tsuki say as he carefully pulled me up to sit with him. Before moving us slowly towards the edge of the bed. From their he quickly stood up and placed one of his arms around my back and the other underneath my knees before picking me up. He quickly took us downstairs and to the couch in front of the Tv. Where a stack of movies stood next to as Tobio sat on the couch.

I was sat down next to Tobio before watching Tsuki walk off towards the kitchen. I felt Tobio's arms wrap around me and gently pull me more towards him.

"I picked all your favorites for us to watch and a couple other movies that the others like. But I made sure nothing serious would be played." He said while rubbing his hand up and down my arm as I laid my head on his shoulder. I heard movement as a few bowls of food were placed on the table in front of us. I watched Shoyo hurry to come and sit next to me before he wrapped his arms around me as Tsuki sat on the other side of him. I felt a small smile form on my lips as I moved my head from Tobio's shoulder down to Shoyo's who almost jumped at the action.

Somehow the three of them always manage to make the bad days feel a little better.

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