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                                                                                        The night begin

A red hair female stagers out of an ally that was near the arcade building that she was hanging out with her friends in tell she felt the need to go outside. So she told her friends she will be, back but she did not know was that as as soon she gets outside she felt extreme pain in her lower abdomen. So she quickly went to the ally just to bend over and just felt pain in her head,teeth,nails,tailbone and toe nails.

Out of fear she staggers back to the arcade to tell her friends that she leaving from home for the night, as she stagers up the stairs she heard fighting but she decided to ignore intel she was at the glass door she paused and listen to the fight of the males " come on nerd all you half to do is to grab it. It that h.....HOLY SHIT!ROSE? what the fuck are biting that nerd?...Oh god that  a lot of bblood  shit that disgusting!" four boys got bitten through that time and all the sudden they felt the same pain Rose had in the beginning .

that night four boys and two girls killed all the people in the arcade including the owner. When the night was over the six people woke up in confusion than looked around the place in horror as the place was cover in blood and that blood was on there hands and face near the mouth and on there teeth. The police was called and they were investigated on what happen but the cameras show nothing that happen that night and no one knows who was there and who was all that blood was. So the case was closed and the building was shut down permanently from the day on and no one was aloud to buy that building because the police still come and go from the building trying to solve the case of the dead arcade, but like the other cops they failed to solve it.

Four months later another arcade was open up but this one is with the times but with the arcade style look with a restaurant and library. They became very popular real fast before anyone knows it. At the same time murders kept happening with the same results but the place  was never known but every time the parents say that they always go to the arcade, but when the police comes over and check the cameras the missing people don't even appear there so the police assume they lie to their parents and went somewhere else that was refused by the parent in the first place.  

It went like that for years but that all changed when a innocent male came along and enter that place and came out with no harm and no missing people as far as anyone knows.

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