Chapter Two

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                                                                                           Archer POV

Shit shit I never expected that being here when I did and signing up for a job here will cause me my death warrant, shit I should have never sign up or be in here at all the blood smell should have been first sign that it was a bad idea to stay but I half to stay here for the whole night and survive. I could fight back because they are human and I am a werewolf but I can't fight back because they are humans around and I can't kill them because they are innocent in all of this. I hear is an ear piercing scream from someone than crunching of bones, my eyes widen in fear and tears slowly fall from my eyes at this, they are eating humans alive.... Before I let out a low growl in anger something fly right in front of me.

At first I thought about shooting out and killing the boss but I got a view of the  boss and dear god they are no longer human but monsters. They still got a human figure but some of their parts have extras like a tails, horns and long but sharp horns and there skins are different colors and it looks like they have scales? Moon goddess please watch over me while I am going through this, terrible night  so I can leave this place with my stuff and never come back to this place.

Through the night many has run by me and lots of screaming and bone crushing, as that happen I switch my places through the night as screams and crunching happen and I saw them all running around and looking for there pray. Many times I wanted to leave my spot while they were searching for other people, I had to do that once because one male happen to be crawling on the ground. While looking for the other two and me and I swear to the moon goddess that he stare right at me for a minute than crawl off, when he did that I left admittedly from the spot to the spot I been at since than. I notice that once there hands and feet got bloody they do not climb on to machine or even touch it, so I went into the back of the old game version and stay there.

I am really am surprise that I can even fit in here for however long I been here or what time it is I just know that I am safe here and I won't be in danger for the rest of the time. I let out a yawn as my eyes slowly close at the tiredness that wants to take over me, without knowing I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

When I woke up I heard groaning and some complaints about how there backs hurting and that they went sleep in a weird position. My face went from sleep and waking up to pouting and angry at this, bruh! That nothing to what position I was in for a long time and slept in they had no right to complain about how they slept. Before I could yell that at one of them spoke up, it was the hot male from before, he no longer hot by the way! (owy I just got slap on the back of the head! He a big meany! Someone call the ambulance for my poor head.... What is beast way to shut up the laughing boyfriend?) I swear to the moon goddess that I saw my life flash before my eyes.... Goddess my life is so boring thing ever except for my brother and sister , it wasn't for them I would have the most dull life than anyone has ever saw.

I need a life Q.Q.... " Has anyone seen the male with the white hair?" he say with a groggy voice and....Panic? Why would he be panic about me? " Dude I don't know left just find the bodies of the dead and look at their driver ID to see if they are him" another male says with a grown and slowly I heard them get up from the ground and shuffle around.

After 30 minutes I heard a voice shout out " Axel! I found his wallet...." Another male says on the other side of the arcade area where I am still hiding at, soon I heard rushing footsteps than a sad gasp " no no.... He was supposed to survive and be with us.... Archer Wolf.... God his name is beautiful, I am so sorry beautiful" he says with a whisper on the last part I soon heard the sounds of a female high heels hitting the floor than Miss. Coffman voice appear " Sorry Axel, he was very sweet and kind he did not deserve this." She says with a sad voice.

After that they start to clean the place up for the start of the day when all the sudden Axel voice spoke up. " What is Archer address?" he says with a dull tone Rose says my address real quick with a sad tone, what did I notice was a hand was reaching in intel my back was touched. I made out a squeak sound and there was a gasp "my god... You are Archer!" A woman says behind me with a shock voice. I quickly look back in fear than I reach upward to and grab the top of the machine and pull myself up out of the spot I was in.

As soon I was on top of the machine I looked around me to see what going on just to see that I was surrounded by all the bosses. I glanced at the door that was cover by metal gate that was now open, highly doubt that is unlocked, but I do remember that on the map there are four emergency exits on the ground floor that I can go to they are always unlocked on the inside but never on the outside unless you have the keys to them. So I jump over the "human" wall that was blocking my way " Archer...... ARCHER WAIT PLEASE!" Axel says with a panic voice along with Rose shouting my name to.

I didn't listen and just bolt towards the emergency door at my fastest human speed I have which I just hope it fast enough for out running these guys. I heard them chasing after me while calling my name but I just run faster for the door. I turn the corner just to see the that door was 20 feet away from me .... 19 feet.....18 feet....17 feet....16 feet....15 feet...14 feet....13 feet...12 feet....11 feet...10 feet....9 feet....8 feet....7 feet....6 feet.....5 feet.... 4 feet....A hand caught my arm NO I was just 3 feet away for freedom.

"Archer" a voice pants out from all that running he done. Is it to late say I am sorry I miss you more than your body! NOT THE TIME TO SING THAT EVIL SONG JUSTIN BLEH!!!!! Goddess send help I didn't wanna sing that while I am trying to run away from them! I looked around in panic trying to think away out but a breath was blown into my right ear. They soon turn into a light shade of red than his voice whisper into my right ear saying words that I don't want to hear anymore.

" you are not going anywhere, you are stuck with us now. You are stuck with me forever."

After that I don't remember what happen after that but once I got out of my dase I was somehow back in my house laying on the couch looking up at the ceiling. 

Oh moon   

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