Chapter One

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                                                                                       Archer POV

I walked up to the ramp to the building my heart was racing in excitement as I finally can go to the wolf monsters arcade. My parent never allow me to go out because they thought I was an embarrassment to them and the pack so when I turn. I packed up my stuff after I rented out a 3 bedroom house with a study and indoor pool.I was beyond happy at the price of the place and rent was paid from the owner himself all I half to do is pay the rent and the maintenance myself that all I half to do.

Anyway I got my place with my own car and came here after settling in my new home, that took about two days do that I had buy all my furniture and kitchen supplies along with my bathroom and bedroom supplies to basically if it was not all ready in the house I buy it with my own money that I own up from my job and cleaning the pack house every single day  if I wasn't in school or at my job I was cleaning the pack house and the pack personal houses including the alpha house.

Back to now because why am I telling my story? Bleh anyway I enter the the building hearing and smelling everything that was in here....Including blood smell...Did someone bleed out somewhere, no that impossible the sent of blood is way to much just be a small cut.  Something probably, happen here to cause this blood smell. Oh who cares I can deal with it until the day it does evolve me personally, who knew it was gonna evolve me.

When I went to the counter I saw an worker for 9 to 10 shift, this was covent I need a new job since my old alpha found out I was working. He made up some line saying that he was my old boss before him and said that he  nearly killed him with a knife before I left the pack so I am without a job so this is a perfect oppinety to sign up before other people notice it and sign up. "Hello sir, welcome to Monster Wolf Megaplex are here to buy tokens  or ask about this place if so please book a appointment with our info both for a a open day." A  black hair girl says with a friendly tone and smile.

I smile but I was very confused they did not mention about the job application, so I just smile and say with a happy tone " hello ma'am I was wondering who do I talk to sign up about the job application?" I say the woman eyes widen a little bit before she went back to the happy smile on her. What I didn't notice was that there was a evil glint on in her eyes because she said something that made my day, but also made me question on how they worked but I am not gonna say it out loud because dear lord I need this job." No need to fill out form tomorrow at 8:30 am you can come in, all you half to do is give information about size in shoes and clothes along with your name, phone number along with your address. Here is your information pack and rules about this place, do you have any questions sir?" The female says with a chirpy attitude.

I smile at her " no I have no questions about the job but I do have a question and it is if I can buy some tokens to play here?" I say with a sigh voice while I look down with a blush on my face. she laughed and say yes but before I get them to write down the information she ask about than I can pay for the tokens. When that was done she give me the tokens, people appear in the line for the tokens or to do something else. I quickly said my thanks then went to the arcade to play around. 

Two hours has passed and was 30 minutes to closing when all the sudden someone into me from my right side, before I could apologize the person ran off, with a shrug I went back to playing the game I was playing. Five minutes before closing I took my tickets to the ticket eater to cash my tickets in so I can claim my prize which I heard that one of them is ticket that gives you five books free from any gene that I don't half to return to the library they have here. I really want that one because I love books to death I prefer to read more than games but what I heard was right than I will play games intel I get 100 million tickets.

As soon the recet came out I took it and look at the number with shock. I overdid it 500 million.....How in the world I did that? I shrug my shoulder  and head for prize counter to get the book ticket might get two than look for something for my brother and sister something they will like. When I got up there I saw that the there was only two people in the prize line I smile softly and stand behind the people and wait patiently "oh Mr. Wolf, with being a staff member here you do not half to wait in line to get your stuff you go behind the counter and get your prizes yourself." A chirpy female voices says behind me, I look back to see it Rose Coffman behind me one of the bosses here  , I smile at her and shake my head " I can not do that to these people in front of me or to the worker who helping out them, not only it not fair to the people in front of me it mean to the hard worker working this whole time dealing with customers and their personality. So I will wait here like a good customer should do" I say with a firm tone but a soft voice to.

Miss.Coffman looked at me with wide eyes and a shock face, than a sad smile " you are man Mr.Wolf I hope life is good to from now on" she says before walking off not allowing me time to reply. As she walked off I heard her say under her breath " I hope you can survive the night" if I did not had my wolf ears to hear I would have not heard what she said. I was confused when she said, why would you she say that.

After I got my prizes I thank the other boss of this megaplex I head for the door happily not only did I get two book tickets I got lot of things for my elder brother and baby sister. I was so happy that I hummed a song while walking to the door but as I got closer to the door I notice that people where getting pulled over by two other bosses and they were frowning at them while the people were looking confused and frustrated at the same time. When I saw that my memory pulled up what Miss. Coffman said earlier about surviving the night I also have a feeling that I am gonna pulled over when I pass the scanner to.

That scanner is for stuff that has a bar scan on things from the prizes and books the prize bar get taken off while the books get turn off so it won't bother the scanner. Normally the library has the scanner just incase someone takes a book that was not checked off or sometimes the boss for the library did not get it good on the swipe to turn off the bar so it will not go off on the scanner but sometimes that scanner will not work and the exit scanner will catch it. That what I learn when I was playing games, the library boss always comes down with a blush while bowing and saying sorry, the bar off and on must be very old for it not to get it the first time through and my guess was correct that the machine is old and very hard to get a new one.

As soon I got to the scanner it went off. I stopped in confusion than back up and went to the side like the other without the bosses getting me over there, as soon I was on the side I look over my prizes to see if one of them accidentally has a bar on them, but none of them had there bars on them and I don't have any books with me because I didn't went to the library yet I was planning to after my shift tomorrow if I am aloud. As I looked around the prizes again to make sure I didn't missed it myself. " Well aren't you are good boy for stepping to the side for us but you steal from us?" I heard a gorgeous male voice says in front of me, I looked up to see who it was with wide eyes.

Before I could fully see him, he say me because the male bring in air like his breath was taken away from something  out of worry I shoot up faster to make sure he is okay " are you okay sir?" I say with worry in my voice as soon I saw him I stopped and stare at him with big wide eyes. He has a gorgeous golden blue eyes with a slit in them, his skin is a beautiful tan that is natural from the sun and not from a tan booth or a spray on tan, his height is standing at 6;10 with black hair. His clothes are more of a cool biker than a scary biker. Black leather jacket  with a black shirt that has a dragon on it that roaring with fire spraying out from it mouth, along with black skinny  jeans with black leather biker boots.

His shock slowly turn to a handsome smirk his eyes look even more like cats eyes with the smirk his face is a sharp but handsome. His face not like a sharp but sickly look,just sharp and health look. His smirk got deeper because of the blush on my cheeks " stay safe cutie" he says before he turn around left me standing there with wide eyes and blushing cheeks.  

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