Chapter 5:The Mysterious Room

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The abandoned part of school was covered in mist head to toe.There were cables hanging on by a fingernail.The wood grasping for its last breath.And doors half broken,half smeared in blood...

The exit was in sight, well that's what he thought.He entered the mysterious light not knowing what could be ahead but he didn't care he walked through not knowing what danger lurks around every corner.

A window was the thing that was giving that light but specifically it was giving a single ray of beaming light on a rocking chair.The rocking chair was brown,torn up and abandoned.It looked like it had been left to rot but why?Joe questioned himself and wondered whether he should run or investigate.

The rocking chair swayed in the "wind" and Joe didn't see why it was left there. It just looked like a normal chair but he wanted to find out so he tried to run out to go back to the nice and pleasant school but...

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