Chapter 6: The end?

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The door hinge creaked and slammed the door shut.Joe shed his skin.His feet tumbled and tripped over a old,rusty rock.Joe went flying forward and collided with the dusty,isolated door.Joe collapsed...

His woke up his head was throbbing,heart pumping,palms sweating.A little bit of blood drowning out of his faceHe felt dizzy and felt sick.He stumbled up and struggled to reassemble his vision and find out where he was.

His vision came back.He was in a different room... a spooky room.The electronics were smashed and sparks flying out of the computers and other stuff.Wires hanging on for dear life.Chairs and tables thrown around.Windows broken.Then he saw a beam of shinning light through a door.

He struggled towards the mysterious door that Joe thought that led to the nice,happy side of schoolLight consumed the darkness and at the end of the corridor there was a door leading to the nice side of school.

Joe pushed and pushed and pushed to make sure he gets out.A loud,skull tingling roar flooded the area.Joe hit and hit and pushed and pushed and pulled and pulled and kept going...

The noise got louder and louder and kept getting getting closer but Joe didn't care Joe kept going but he started getting weak and tired.

He used his final gather of energy and pushed the door.The door creaked and opened.Joe sprinted and close the nice and painted door behind him and rushed to the nurse

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