Chapter 11: The Maze

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The everlasting maze of dtps.They walked in and there was a rusted note on a table with 2 legs.The note read,"In this maze there is clues that you have to discover there is one in the de.. one in the at... one in the ba...... and one in the le.. Co...." Loads of the letters had been rusted off. But there was another part of the note it spoke,"The clues are:
Tor.... ."

It said also that one of the words rhyme with chopstick and one of the 8 words rhyme with casement.They stood there wondering what to do.Then a light bulb in a dark corridor in the maze and was pulling them in and made them not have control of their body and was flocking towards the light.

Minutes later,they arrived at the lightbulb.Silence.Nothing was making a noise except them themselves.All of a sudden a loud bang shocked through the maze and the light bulb that had lit up the room had turned off but now there was a secret door....

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