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( Camilo's gift ceremony )

"Forty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle. And the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community.

Tonight, we come together once more as another steps into the light to make us proud... " 

Camilo put his hand above his eyes, dazed by the sudden light. He looked up at where Abuela was standing with the candle. He began to walk towards her, every step feeling like it was taking to long. 

Just get it done with, he thought to himself.

"Will you use your Gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this community and strengthen our home?" Abuela asked as Camilo held the candle.

Honor the miracle? Serve the community? That's not something you do once Camilo, thats something you will have to do over and over again. 

Non-stop, forever. You must always be happy when you , you must always be perfect.

not forever, just until the end...

"mijo?" Pepa asked she was beginning to cloud over beside abuela, " Is something wrong?"

"Do I have to get a gift?" Camilo said under his breath.

"What did you say Camilo?" Felix asked.

Don't tell them , that will make them confused and worried. 

"It doesn't matter," Camilo said, he nodded at abuela to indicate that he agreed and went up to the door but hesitated again before touching the knob.

Grab the knob already, you are being too anxious.

If you know what is good for you then you should run away right now and hide until tomorrow when the door is gone. I know that you don't really want this...

GRAB THE DOORKNOB , you are making your parents worry. You don't want them to be sad , do you?

Does this happen to everyone else? Camilo asked the voices in his mind.

No, this is you and Mirabel's burden to carry. You picked the wrong year to get your gift really.

"Camilo, why are you hesitating? If there is something wrong you should tell us" Pepa insisted.

Camilo forced himself to quickly grab a hold of the knob , quickly taking his hand off after it began to glow.

You are stuck with us forever now

You should have listened to me but I guess you will learn this new way of living.

You need to smile, turn to your familia and smile. Then shapeshift.

Camilo didn't question the voices he just turned around and smiled then shapeshifted into his mother then his father then back to himself. 

"We have a new gift" Abuela turned to the crowd and everyone cheered.


( Mirabel's gift ceremony )


Camilo watched nervously from next to Dolores as Mirabel began to walk towards her door.

You are just going to watch as your cousin is forced to endure the same curse as you. Are you just the most amazing cousin ever.

Don't give him any ideas...

Stop shaking Dolores will notice.

Camilo ignored Order and kept his focus on Mirabel. Reason was right, he was being a horrible cousin letting Mirabel do this.

I told you that you shouldn't give him any ideas

We could stop her getting a gift if you convinced Order...

Like I would help him, He doesn't listen.

I will listen, I will do whatever you want me to for as long as you want me to.  I will smile and keep out of the familia's way and help them with my gift as long as you stop Mirabel getting a gift. Camilo pleaded Order.

Stop shaking then and don't let those tears form in your eyes.

Camilo obeyed forcing himself to still and put on another fake smile.


bad ...

I think that this may be okay... Get ready to be perfect Camilo ,except you are going to need to fake shock when the door disappears.

(( 623 words ))

Author's note

I am in process of making the cover, and I have no idea how often I will update.

.............. byeee .......

- Queen Freedom

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