Chapter 6

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(( Warning this chapter ain't so much Camilo angst it is more like a tiny bit of Order and reason angst and some short End angst too. Camilo just trying to figure out what is going on and it turns out that not only is he not ok but neither are these three voices lol ))

"he is somehow here through his dream , why now?" the perfect one ((more like perfectionist one )).

"So you are Order! you look like me" Camilo said.

"Well of course we do, it is the camilo fanfic cliche thing to do"the other not hooded one said,"I am end by the way, I can't believe we are finally meeting in person. I wonder if anything the I do to you will affect you in real life"

"Do not even think about!" the hooded figure ,who we all know is reason, said.

"What is going on? Why can I see you! you aren't meant to see the voices in your head , are you?" Camilo blinked trying to make sense of this.

"How are we meant to know that it isn't like we have voices in our heads, we are too busy being the voices in your heads" Reason made a point of saying.

"Imagine if we did and then those voices also had voices in their heads that also had voices in their heads who also had voices in their" End was cut off by Reason.

"We get the Idea

"I think we should use this opportunity to come to a conclusion of what camilo is going to tell the familia when he finally decides to leave his room" End suggested.

"Do we really have to sort this out right now?" Camilo asked.

" yeah I think we should leave that topic for later" Reason agreed.

"I have an idea! How about we grab a mirror shard an-" End was cut of by Everyone else who was there saying "NO" at the same time.

"Ok......... what about a bla-" He was interrupted for the second time.

"End, we need to figure out a way to keep going without to much drama not a way to end it all" Order pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to Reason and Camilo. He waved his hand and a table with three chairs around it appeared. "Sit down you two

"How come I don't get a chair? you literally always do this when you have the Mindstone thingy" End complained as Order, Reason and Camilo all took a seat at the table.

"What is he talking about? A mindstone thingy?" Camilo asked the other voices.

"It is nothing really, back to the important matter at hand.

"There is this necklace type thing with a stone on it and whichever one of us voices has the stone has the control over the mindscape. That is what we call this place by the way. Whoever has the stone can make objects appear, silence the over voices and can temporarily force you to shapeshift into them. " Reason informed Camilo , " Order usually usually has it but sometimes me and End get our hands on it. "

" So you had the Mindstone thingy when Isabella,Julieta and my dad were interrogating me?" Camilo tried to piece this all together.

"On the subject of when you were being interrogated, I think you could use them thinking that you wanted more attention to our advantage. If you pretend to admit to the familia that you were feeling a left out from all the stuff that has gone down then they will all think that you were acting weird because of that. Then we can just pretend to sort it out with everyone else which will be easy since it is not actually a problem" Order smiled in pride at his well thought out plan.

"Yeah, I did have it until Order snatched it from me and gave it to end of all voices" Reason ignored Order which made him frown slightly.

"There is only three of us, he only had the option to give it to me or give it back to you...      Can I have a chair now?" End said.

"Why does End not get a chair? he said it always happens when Order has the Mindstone?" Camilo looked at the obviously not mentally well Voice.

"I do include him sometimes, just not when he is unimportant or necessary in the situation. Also you guys totally ignored my amazing plan" Order's voice broke a little during the last part earning him a confused look from Camilo.

"What was the point? you are obviously going to make Camilo follow that 'amazing plan' of yours anyway. He made that deal with you remember?" Reason snapped.

"When am I important? I am always Useless! I am just that voice which always telling Camilo to kill himself, Reason keeps Camilo's secrets and Order keeps his reputation. I am just the one who wants to throw that all away! Because ending this all would be so much easier than going through all of these arguments and people could get over Camilo's death quicker than all the problems that he actually faces." End looked up catching the stunned faces of Camilo, Order and Reason.

"Sorry, I am so dumb. If I could kill myself I would. I know you are all sick of me" End muttered.

"You can take my seat End, Nobody is going to care about my plans to keep Camilo's life actually running smoothly anyway" Order stood up and began walking off into the infinite darkness.

"No, I did something wrong didn't I?" Reason said in a low tone.

Camilo couldn't see her face beneath her hood but he could basically guess her expression.

"Wow, Order and Reason are upset I think. I need to say how horrible I am more often" End laughed like this was all extremely entertaining, which to him it was.

"I thought you were upset too!?" Camilo raised an eyebrow," Were you seriously faking that?"

"No gees, I just got over it and accepted that as the suicidal voice I am obviously going to deal with a lot of serious emotions and that is something I should be concerned about but I am not" End said in a suddenly serious voice.

"You guys have to stop using the excuse that you are a part of me because you are all dealing with a ton of stuff that I ain't dealing with," Camilo pointed out.

"Hey at least we distracted you from the fact that you have a ton of angry and confused and upset family members to deal with when you decide to leave the soundproof

"And you just reminded him..."


((1092 words ))

Authors note

Who is your favourite voice now?

Sorry this chapter didn't have much Camilo angst , he kinda became a side character in this chapter which should be concerning since this is his book.

I wanted to explore the voices a bit before I make Camilo wake up and face the real world in the next chapter.

Also I wanna make some stuff clear for the future of this book:

- I may add genderfluid Camilo to this, it was actually the plan for this before the idea for the voices became a big thing for me.

- If I ever add a ship including Camilo into this (( it is unlikely for this book but maybe if I make sequel )) Camilo is gay ok. 

- Also I can't tell you how because it would be to much of a spoiler but there is almost definitely going to be Maddison x Reason

- Maddison's name is also Madeline, I will use both until I use her nickname which is maddi

- I will not bring Mirabel's power up to much in this book except for the deal concerning it, I am saving that for if I do make second book.

If you don't like any of that stuff to bad deal with it!

- Queen Freedom

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