2. Once Upon A Dream

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Yawning, you rubbed your eyes as you rolled over in your bed.

Your eyes widened, feeling no trace of human lifeform beside you.

'Was that all a dream?' You sat up, looking around. Your room looked the same. Nothing looked out of place.

You held your wrists up close to your face, seeing no cuff marks. 'Some damn dream. A lil kinky, too. Huh.'

You flopped against your bed, stretching. You sighed in relief as you laid there for a few seconds.

Then your bladder called, instantly putting you in a bad mood. You narrowed your eyes as you threw the covers off of you, suddenly feeling hot, and you swiveled yourself around.

Your feet landed on the carpeted floor. You leaned back to stretch again before jumping off your bed and heading straight for the bathroom.

After doing your business and your daily routine, you stepped out of the room, instantly catching a familar scent.

'Is that...' Your eyes widened, and you walked down the hall. 

Your jaw almost dropped, seeing a blue haired boy sit on your couch, watching TV.

'Wait, but if he's not cooking, then who is...?!' You walked into the living room before turning the corner, and there he was.

A pink haired boy wearing your apron.

K I S S  T H E  C O O K  O R  D I E

Seeing you from the corner of his eye, he greeted you. "Oh, well look who's up~!"

"Good morning." You heard a voice behind you, making you jump. Touching your racing chest, you seen it was the boy haired boy from earlier.

"Holy fucking shit, that wasn't a dream..." You said, still a bit dazed.

"Aw, you thought you dreampt about us? You're naughty! We just met!" He grinned at you.

You just gaped at him like a fish, making him cup your cheek.

"Close your mouth, dear, or you'll catch flies~" He said. You swatted his hand away, choosing to make a beeline pass him and head towards the plate piled with bacon.

"Hm? Hey, beautiful, you can't eat that yet-"

"Be quiet." You told him as you walked past him, chewing down on the bacon.

You sat on the couch, sitting criss-cross.

Noticing neither of them sat beside you, you turned your head to look at them. "Hey, Angry, what show are we watching?"


His awestruck confused expression made you crack a smile before you shook your head.

"Man, you sure don't act like stalkers. Kinda weird to think about, actually. You both look so innocent." You remarked.

"Thanks, beautiful, but I am sorry." Smiley said as he took away the plate of bacon from you.

You furrowed your brows, grumbling. "Yeah, for taking my bacon away?"

"No," You looked at him in confusion, but he just gave you a closed eye smile.

"Sorry that you couldn't pleasure yourself with us around, sweetness."

Heat immediately rised to your cheeks, remembering your words.

"I haven't been able to pleasure myself now, 'cause I know your sick ass is gonna be watching! Even if you're not, the paranoia is still there, my dude!"

You turned your head. "Did I say that? I don't think I did. I don't remember."

"Yeah, but you also have poor memory," Angry pointed out, making you give him the stink eye.

"I know we just met, but really, who's side are you on?" You said, all salty.

"Don't be embarrassed, princess~ I think its real cute how you think we'd let you go without being pleasured."

It took you a split second to register his words. "Wait-what-" You turned to look at him, only to be pushed back against the couch.

Smiley's knee went between your legs, and you were a bit ashamed at how your legs immediately clamped around him.

His smile widened, and it made you look away.

"Just instinct." You muttered, putting your hands on his chest to stop him from going any further.

"Right~" You glanced at his face, growing a tic mark when you seen the cheeky grin he had.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't do anything without my consent? Empty words, huh-you're just all talk!"

Smiley stopped his movement, eyes connecting with yours.

"I'm only letting you know that we're here as suggestions. Just in case you want something more than your hand." He winked, grabbing one of the hands that was on his chest and kissing the inside of your palm before he got off of you.

He grabbed the plate of bacon he left on the nerby table, heading back to the kitchen as your heart continued to pound faster.

"Just so you know," You heard a whisper, and felt Angry's face beside your neck. "We won't pressure you into anything." 

What a lie.

You'll have to accept their love sooner or later.

He kissed your neck, and afterwards he muttered a quick apology before he ran off somewhere.

Feeling yourself all flustered, you realized how quick they both made a mess of you.

'Damn, I missed this adrenaline.'

Stalkers or not, you didn't really care.

You'd let them into your life, just to experience some excitement.

And maybe, something more.

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