4. Situation

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"Why would you say that?" Smiley kept his smile up, even if he was feeling the exact opposite. "You don't usually lie, Angry. And letting her look around the house? All by herself? She could be trying to find an escape right now!"

Angry pursed his lips before speaking. "Yeah, yeah, I know already, but...I don't think she will."

"I don't wanna hear this bullshit again!" Smiley complained before shoving past his brother. "I'm gonna go check on her-"

"Wait!" Angry grabbed his shoulder. "Did you ever install the cameras in the house? We can see if she tries to escape!"

Smiley paused. "No...I thought you did that? And did you lock our bedroom door?"

Both boys stayed silent before immediately sprinting down the hall.

"I'll check on Y/n!" Smiley didn't trust Angry to serve said girl a punishment if she were trying to escape. Angry might even lie to Smiley because he doesn't want precious Y/n to get hurt.

Smiley may look like an idiot, but he knows his brother. The blue haired boy is a big softie.

"I'll lock our door!" Angry replied as he turned a corner. He was worried for Y/n, but surely she wasn't trying to escape, right?

She wouldn't, right?


Struggling to not fall over, you stood on the kitchen counter, searching the cabinets desperately.

'No fucking snacks!!' You internally cried. You gently beat your fists against the cabinet door, not wanting to break it, but needing to let your frustrations out.

"I'm so fucking hungry, bro!" You cried out. "I just want food! Cookies! Something!"

Hearing your whining, Smiley darted in the kitchen. He stood still, looking at you like you were stupid.

"...What the fuck are you doing?" He asked.

You snapped your head to look at him, and he liked the way you looked flustered. Like a deer caught in headlights.

"Uuuhhh..." You cleared your throat. "Ummm..."

"Are you...raiding our kitchen?" You grinned sheepishly at the question, nervous butterflies filling your stomach.

"Um...nooo..." You dragged your answer out, unsure of how do explain your current situation before an idea popped into your mind.

Hopping off of the counter, you spoke. "Just checking for rats or cockroaches and shit."

He rose a brow. "Why didn't you ask us earlier?"

You sweatdropped as you walked over to him. "I'm a forgetful person, okay? Cut me some slack. I'm kinda new to this whole kidnapped thing."

Smiley nodded. "That's understandable." He grinned with teeth. "Are you hungry?"

You dropped to your knees, clinging to his shirt. "Fuck yes!" You cried out. "I'm starving!"

Hearing rushing footsteps, Angry came, stopping at the doorway. "I-um...took care of it, brother."

"Took care of what?" You immediately asked before giving a little thought. "...I don't have any guy friends. I mean, I did. Wait-do you know my sexuality? Whatever. I only interact with people at my work. Y'all didn't kill any of them, right?"

Though you protected it as sarcasm and a joke, it was a real question that was making you paranoid they actually did something so horrible. You truly had no idea if they did because these two dudes were still random strangers you barely kbew.

Weariness and fear could be seen in your eyes, and it made Smiley feel like he held power. They both seen how you tried to cover up your "weak" emotions, but you weren't doing too good a job this time.

"No, of course we didn't-"

"Who knows?"

The answers you got were confusing. You didn't know if Smiley was just messing with you, or if Angry was just trying to stay on your good side by lying.

"Okay, then...what did you mean then, Angry?" You asked him slowly, looking him in the eyes.

You don't particularily give a shit about your life. As long as they don't harm you physically, you're fine. But you don't want other people getting involved in this sick game you got yourself into.

You were selfish. You only did this because you were bored. You had no excitement in your life, nothing to look forward to. You missed the adrenaline rush, the blood pumping in your blood faster and your heart pounding faster with each passing minute.

You didn't do it for them. You did it for yourself. Does that make you selfish? You supposed, in a way, it does.

But as long as nobody else gets hurt, it's okay, right?

"Uh..." He looked to his older brother for help, making you think he really did kill someone. Or at least get rid of the body.

But, he had no blood on his clothes. To kill someone, much less dispose of them in such a short amount of time, the time being around 10 minutes, you would think there'd be a small trace of blood or ash or something to prove he just killed someone.

You didn't think he murdered someone. He seemed like that type to be too kind to do so. But maybe you were wrong? They were strangers, so you couldn't really say.

"You already asking these kinds of questions?" Smiley grinned wider. "Okay, then, sweetheart. Let's get you back into the bedroom. It seems like you're still not fully realizing the situation here."

Smiley roughly grabbed your arm and yanked you back to the guest bedroom you were in, with Angry behind him trying to get him to calm down.

He sat you on the bed, got some rope from a nearby cabinet in the table, and wrapped your wrists behind your back.

"You may be all fine with being kidnapped, but don't forget you're not in control here. You don't get to ask questions, understood?"

He lightly tapped your cheek in a playful way after tying a knot in the rope, and you couldn't help the sassy retort your mouth slipped out.

"Yes, daddy."

Silence only lasted for a few seconds before Smiley spoke up again. "That's more like it."

He turned to Angry. "I'm gonna go to the grocery store since we're running low on food and junk. Keep an eye on her, but don't fall for any tricks. Okay, Angry?" He whispered the last few sentences in his younger twin's ear.

Angry nodded his head. "Yeah, okay. I'll do my best."

Smiley turned to you. "Remember, princess..." He tapped his wrist, making a cutting motion before he pointed to Angry.

You recalled how he said if you hurt his brother, he'd hurt you. Smiling idiotically, you nodded your head in understanding various times at a fast point to let him know his message got to you.

"I would salute you, soldier, but..." You sheepishly grinned. "I'm a bit tied up at the moment."

Smiley laughed shortly before heading out of the bedroom, leaving you and Angry.

After a few seconds, you smirked devilishly, turning to Angry.

"And then there were two."

He gulped.

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