chapter 4: mac vs toki

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Don't own anything

Just ocs:

Former Ace alien legend angered.

Author pov:

Toki: universal defense front. They fought for not just humanity but to every alien life

Lock: so you been lock up for 900 years!?

Wash: " archive shows toki accomplishments. She fought along side sazuka hayachi. "

Toki: oh unidad's top SAS operator

Mac: who's cares about that. You interrupted my relaxation

Toki: gomenesai. I didn't know who you are

Mac: you sent those two humans to cause trouble. They have no right call me an outsider. Since you tried to mind control me i'm gonna kick your ass💢

Yagyu: mac san don't

Toki: such willpower he has. Able to break my mind control. So you wanna fight me huh. Accepted

Toki made yozakura & yagyu fighting lock & wash. Toki & mac dashed at each other. They moved so fast blistering speed.

Toki surprised he can keep with her. " this is u.d.f. where talking about " she thought.

Mac didn't want to blow evthing up around him & her if he misses. Toku saw the opportunity to mind control him Mac screamed in agony.

Yozakura: MAC SAN!?

toki did consecutive punches. Mac was done for the count.

Toki: you fought good

????: you fought good

Toki: nani?

She got punch in the face. Everyone got free from mind control. Haruka lucas & hibari arrived.

 Haruka lucas & hibari arrived

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Mac: Hibari

To be continued:

Next time hibari vs toki


senran kagura u.d.f. hibari vs toki CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now