continue chapter 11:

11 1 0

Don't own anything

Just ocs:

Toki got allowed that yoma woman twist her mind up. That is fucked up. I'm beginning to cry now toki made a choice not to leave the blood barrier.

Its the last time sekirei is last seen.

That is messed up

Author pov:

After she tells her truth. Homura sam asuka jake gerald haruna new raizo li, kazakiri ui akeno surprisingly here mac & hibari.

Last but not least sasuka is here.

Toki: because of my kagan we all broke apart if i didn't have that power no one would have suffered

Jake: all this started from you allowing that talking yoma manipulating you

Sam: you made a choice to stay in that barrier. You messed up big time

Mac: than again fubuki is sane. The others well we all know

Gerald: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hibari: that's a fake laugh

Gerald: ITS REAL

Hibari: totally fake



Toki: he's right. I just wanna get along with everyone

Akeno: i know we just met but. Never trust a yoma

New raizo real name terry: jake ones you Said. They did betray her

Sasuka: i never trusted them either. Shura must have got the others

Hibari: what happened to mizuki san & sekirei sama?

Toki: idk what happened to them. Our alien legends now. Except you thunder priestess

Mac: i wasn't even there

Gerald: i wasn't born yet

New raizo: i was in cryo stasis

Jake: i was briefly here on earth i had to pick sasuka up. No idk i don't care

Sasuka: i don't care what's happens to those

Sam: same with gerald i wasn't born yet

Toki comically fell on the ground so did the ladies

Asuka: i am married to a old warhorse outside 16 year old body 7.5 feet tall. I'm  6.5 feet tall

Toki: how you get so big

Asuka: i don't feel like explaining to you

Homura roll her eyes

Jake: you where this close becoming a threat to u.d.f.

Mac: you helped amane & kazakiri's scheme messing with my head attacking innocents around that village

Toki telling how ui hiyori amane kazakiri's problems & bonding now looks at hibari & mac.

Toki: mastered the kagan very effectively. Then gain the infinite galeon beast power. In order master it you become an arcadian. You even went far beyond kagan to gain lunatic eyes. Very powerful genjutsu in a different sense

She looks at mac

Toki: legends are true. Shattered ace has a unknown entity inside him. Top ace in the universe

Hibari: you think this story ends?

To be continued:


senran kagura u.d.f. hibari vs toki CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now