Chapter 21

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Ash's POV

"Does he know? How long have you known? How long do you have left?" I bolted out questions racing from my mind.

"Woah Ash, Calm down," He told me then sighed,"He doesn't know about it, I've only known since I got out of the hospital, I don't know."

"What type is it?" I whispered.

"They found it in my leg, but its spreading fast and they can't stop it. I don't want to leave, but I have to."

Lachlan's POV

"Does he know? How long have you known? How long do you have left?" Ash bolted out questions. What is going on? Why can't I know? What's wrong with Vikk???

"They found it in my leg," WHAT DID THEY FIND, VIKK??? "But its spreading fast an they can't stop it," STOP WHAT?

"It-its just so weird to say it, y'know." Vikk was saying.

"All you have to do is say it. The truth hurts."
I heard Vikk sigh.

"My Name is Vikkram Barn, and I am living with a spreading problem in my body. My name is Vikkram barn and I am gay. My name is Vikkram Barn and I am living with-with-wi-with... Cancer." The words broke my soul, cracking and breaking every little bone in my body. And nothing could replace it.

"My name is Ashley Surcombe and I am living with a spreading problem in my body. My name is Ashley Surcombe and I am a lesbian. My name is Ashley Surcombe and I have a secret. My name is Ashley Surcombe and I have 1 month to live. My name is Ashley Surcombe and I have lung cancer. My name is Ashley Surcombe and I smoke." Her voice cracked, "your not alone Vikk."

"Your not alone Together we stand." Ash sung the first line of keep holding on my Avril Lavigne. Then I heard footsteps so I ran.

He has a secret, can he keep it? (Vikklan)Where stories live. Discover now