Chapter 22

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Ashley paced the floor in her room. She just told Vikk and anyone who was listening in her biggest secret.

She stopped for a moment, lingering on the thought. Finally she decided and pulled out her pack of cigarettes and her lighter. Ashley plucked one from the pack and held it between her fingers. She watched the flame for as while and then lit the cigarette. Puffs of smoke came from her mouth, and Ashley insides turned demonic.

Cigarettes. Cigarettes. Cigarettes. It flew through her mind. Her pupils turned red and her eyes bloodshot. She gently walks towards the knife on her beside and steps into the hallway, cigarette still dangling from her lips. She walks to Vikk's door and opens it. There he is, laying on the bed. She creeps over and he opens his eyes.

"Hey Ash..." Then he sees it all. Her eyes, the knife in her hand, everything. "It doesn't have to be this way."

Ash's eyes turned their normal color and she was no longer demonic. She dropped the knife and looked around. And then she collapsed.

"GUYS! COME IN HERE!!" Vikk yelled and they all came running. "She had cancer." He whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks.

The paramedics are already through the door, yelling commands. Vikk grabbed Jade's hand and they dashed onto the ambulance.

3 Hours later.

"Who's here for Ashley Marie Surcombe?" We all stood up. "I'm afraid..." But that was enough to hear for Jade and Vikk. They ran to the right room and looked down at her fragile body. Vikk kissed her temple, while JAde went for the lips.

"Bye Ash..." They whisper together, tears of silence both on their cheeks. JAde leans on Vikk. "Why her?" She whispers to the silence.

"I don't know." Vikk whispers back.

He has a secret, can he keep it? (Vikklan)Where stories live. Discover now