Vent 1: Agression

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//Sorry I couldn't find a song that matched this vent//

Am I all aggression?

Or am I more than that?

Do I actually have friends?

Or are they there for pity?

Do they hate me for my aggression?

Or will they stand by me?

Does my aggression take over at times?

Should I let people in?

Or should I lock this up inside?

Should I change myself even if it doesn't benefit me,

Even if I don't like that change but everyone loves it?

Am I worth it?


???: Your the definition of courage

???: Nah, your good aggression, more playful than anything

???: We love you man, and I would definitely miss you if you were gone

???: I care

???: your funny if you think I'm here for pity dum-ass

???: Hey, you okay 


/// They love me, I matter ///

/// I love my homies ///

/// Thank you guys for making me feel like I belong ///


Thank you guys for reading I hope some of you can relate and just know that your not the only one suffering and second guessing your existence.

Love ya homies

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