Vent 2: Growing

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Growing: my definition: 

The part of your life where your parents start getting harder on you.

The part of your life that you wish you could've stopped from happening.

The part of your life where I started to shut everyone out.

Where I hate everyone.

Where I take it out on my younger siblings because they still have there childhood.

Guess my childhood is over,

Now I'm taking down the posters,

And I'm puttin all my things inside a box next to the toaster,

That's my closest thing to closure

I can't stop this roller coaster,

Im not ready to get older, I'm not ready to get older

Man I wish that time would just move slower 

I swear I'm not ready to get older, not ready to get older


???: Let's go to the park


???: Dude just live life

???: FUCK! Moms coming over hide everything!

???: Who said we can't have fun. -_-

???: Alright what dum shit are we doin today


//Your never to old//

//Your still a child//

//Childhood doesn't necessarily end you know//


Just for reference I'm gonna do a song for each of these vents.

Hope I can help you find your closure

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