Vent 3: Mask

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I where a mask.

Not the type of mask to protect you from a virus.

The type of mask that you keep on to mask your feelings.

The type of mask so no one asks if your ok.

Because you know if they ask then your mask will fall apart.

And your emotions will be clear as day.

Then your friend /your best friend/ who is truely there for you see's threw your mask.

Then you panic.

Heart is beating faster.

Can't stop the roller coaster.

I didn't see her comin.

Time to go. Time to go. Time to go.

It's gon' be a bloody miracle.

Then before you can run they grab you and give you a hug.

My mother always said

"You can have an attitude and you can feel bad but you don't have to let the whole world know and make them feel bad too"

So I'd always tell myself  don't let go of your mask. Don't take it off. Don't lose the mask.


???: You know if you ever wanna talk I'm here.

???: Don't hide your feelings, it only makes things worse.

???: If you want out of the hole you have to put down the shovel

???: Were here for you man

???: Dude we got your back


//Like some one told me if you want out the hole you gotta put down the shovel//

//It only hard if you let it get hard//

//Lord I don't know where I'd be without them//


If you guys have a topic for me you can always give me your suggestions I'm always open. If I don't get to yours I'll get to it sooner or later.

Hope these help.

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