Vent 4: Drowning

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Drowning: my definition:

Drown out the noise

Being drowned by the noise

Drown in my pain

Being thrown in my pain and drowning in in

It's not just water you drown in

It's the pain the suffering the tears  that you drown in

The lies and the hatred I drown in

The ass-holes that push you so far in the hole

that you suffocate on the air while the debris of fallen towers and broken hearts

shattered like glass fly into your eyes

Drowning letting the friends (the real and the fake) take 

over your mind while they stab you

and I just sit there and drown in my own


Seeing the satisfaction on their faces that the stuff 

Inside of my mother is on the outside of me

Which makes me smile and laugh

While they question what's so funny about this or death 

I reply with

"Because I know this makes you happy and thats all I want.

See you in hell"

And after the black out they start to cry question

What they did


What I said

Drowning the endless agonizing hell where you feel like 

your heads about to 


And before you open your mouth to suffer your fate you wish you woulda 

Let someone in, and then you 

Close your eyes

And open your mouth,


and someone dives down at the last second and saves you 

and even tho your blacked out  

You can feel the warmth of their hand 

and the love in their smile.

Maybe their were multiple people I can't remember.

All I know is they saved me before it was to late that they actually 

cared if

I was




If I 




But all I know is they helped me




Hopefully you have a person even if you don't know who they are I promise they will help you not drown.

Peace Homies

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