6 Month Aniversary

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||| Hey baby girl, today is our 6th month anniversary and these 6 months have been the best I've ever had with anyone, and I'm so proud to call you my girl. Just wanted to say that I can't wait to see you tonight. I'm cooking you dinner as well so be sure to come with an appetite. I'm sure mines will be bigger ;) See you @ 8! Ttyl Jen <3

That's what Michael texted me this morning.. I'm so excited that it's our 6th month anniversary! I remember leaving my last boyfriend and thinking I could never love anyone again. Until Michael showed up and proved me wrong. Today is the day that Michael and I can finally do something we've always wanted to do, which is sharing are bodies. We've been waiting for this moment since the first day we met. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a Virgin but I'm definitely not a hoe. For me, I just wanted to make sure Michael loved me for me and not for what's in between my legs. He told me waiting really "turns him on." But you know what turns me on? Him kissing me deeply while looking into my eyes. Sometimes when we kiss, I can see and feel his hands lingering all over my body. It's like a child trying to discover a treasure of some sort. And every time he licks his lips and smiles at me, I automatically get wet. I just can't help it... My body is attracted to him in every possible way. I still can't believe I haven't ripped that mans shirt, threw him on the bed, and ride him like crazy yet. Maybe it's just me trying to show self control. Or maybe it's just because I haven't had sex in a whole year! So it's the horniness in me. But whatever I'm feeling, I hope Michael is feeling the same way.
{Looks over at the clock}
Well I have some hours until it's time to see Michael, so I probably should do a little shopping for tonight. Maybe I should go get some lingerie. Or get some kind of thong. Whatever I get, I want him to look at me and fall straight to his knees.

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