Anniversary Plans

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||| Awww, babe! Happy 6 months to you too! I'm so excited for tonight. I feel like a little kid going to Disneyland :p But I will definitely bring my appetite, and I'll also bring the dessert ;) See you later Michael xoxo||

Jen finally replied back to me. It took a her awhile but I knew she would probably be sleep. I wanted to beat her to the punch on our anniversary, so I texted her early in the morning.
Today I made Frank go buy everything I needed for tonight. Food, blankets, roses, wine and candles. Jen doesn't know it yet but I wanted to have our dinner outside on the grass just so we can look at the stars. It's gonna be a nice romantic dinner. I think tonight we're finally gonna "burn the sheets" and I can't wait. With other girls from the past, I normally can get them in bed within the first week. I mean, I'm Michael Jackson, I've seen thousands of beautiful woman, and pulled them all but that's besides the point. I love how Jen wanted us to be different and she wanted us to wait after 6 months of us dating before we do anything sexual. I also love that she loves me for me, and not because of who I am or how many millions I have in the bank. It shows a lot about her, and her value in herself. I fantasize often about what she would look like when she's naked. She's stunning with her clothes on, so I really couldn't imagine how good she would look without them. I sometimes imagine what her face would look like when she realizes I'm not an average guy "down there." But you know what's gonna be beautiful? Her first gasp when I put all of me inside of her. God, just thinking about it makes me hard.
{Looks outside to snap his mind out of this fantasy, Frank walks into the room}
"Michael? Everything's good for tonight?"
Yes, everything is good. Thanks Frank for all your help, I appreciate it.

"No problem, and hey, I left a few condoms back there on the counter just in case you might need them." He says winking

Your sick! I said laughing. But I don't think I'll be needing them tonight. We've already got our own strategy.

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