Character profiles

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Appearance: stocky build, long waist high platinum blond hair, sapphire blue eyes, tan, tall, size 5 feet.
Height: 5ft 5inch
Dress scence : leather jackets, black boots, leather jeans.
Description; very strong, intelligent, skilful, mature, responsible, funny, mischievous and athletic.
Interest: martial arts, gymnastics , computer hacking, white water rafting., trampolining.
Fears: spiders

Appearance: stocky build, short platinum blond hair, sapphire blue eyes, tall, size 5.5 feet.
Height: 5ft 7inch
Dress sense: tees, jeans.
Description; very strong, intelligent, skilful, immature , irresponsible, a vengeful, funny, mischievous and athletic.
Interest: martial arts, gymnastics , computer hacking, white water rafting, spiders.
Fears: clowns

Appearance: slim build, Brown hair, sea green eyes, tall, size 4 feet
Height: 5ft 10inch
Dress sense: floral dresses
Description: normal strength, smart, mature, responsible, kind, caring, boy crazy, funny.
Interest: martial arts, surfing, languages, boys, horse riding, cars.
Fears: rats

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