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A\N: This is what Sakura looks like. PICTURE NOT MINE!!!
Anyways enjoy :)
(When a character is speaking a different language their words will be in this font )


Sakuras Pov

  "Excuse me I have to get to class", is all I say before I push past her and walk to my class. I can't believe this happened. I wipe the tears from my eyes and go to sit down. I choose the back. Maybe no one will notice my crying back their.

  Once seated I go through my backpack and pull out a little black notebook with pink petals scattered across the cover. It was my diary. I open the next empty page and start writing.

  Dear diary,
Today is the most TERRIBLE day of my entire life. And it all started with a girl. She ruined my whole year and no-

  I stop writing. This boy who I have no idea of who he is is staring down at me, smiling. "Hello", he says. I close my diary, but as I was trying to put it away back in my bag it falls and slides across the floor. SHIT. I mentally curse myself for being stupid. I quickly get up and follow where it had slid. I see it. Under an empty desk. I get on my knees and bend over to reach it. My hands clasped over the book. Good job. I praise myself. I go to get up but a shadow is looming over me. I look up. It was the teacher. " Young lady, is there a reason you are out of your seat", she peers at me. "No, sorry ma'am", I quickly run back to my seat.

Josies Pov

I walk into my class and notice a girl. HER??!! SHIT. I couldn't believe this girl. She's in my homeroom?? Wow lucky me. I thought to myself. I watched her for a while before she had grabbed what seems to be a small book. She then started writing in it. A diary?? Maybe. Just maybe. Then I see Tyler. A boy, tall but shorter then me gets up and walks over to her. I feel a pain in my heart. The hell??!! What is this feeling. Am I jealous? Maybe. WAIT NO!! I couldn't be jealous for anyone talking to her. She hated me. I hated her. Simple as that. But still...

" Hello", Tyler says with a cheeky grin. I wanted to slap him across his stupid face. But she looks shocked and dazed.The mysterious girl goes to put her diary away then it falls and slides across the floor past me. I smirk. This could get interesting. Her face goes into a terrified look. She quickly gets up and runs to get the notebook that fell out of her hands. She runs past me. Huh??!! How come she didn't notice me? She gets on her hands and knees and reaches to grab her possession. I look at her smooth legs and start looking up her thighs to her- WAIT NO. God your such a pervert Josie. I mentally yell at myself for such behavior. But who could blame me? She had a nice body. She would look good under me though. I smile at that 'lovely' thought.

But I had not realized how long I was day dreaming because when I snapped back to reality my bitchy teacher, Mrs. Tuttle was looking down on me with that ugly facial expression crap she pulls when one of her students are out of line. "Mrs. James would you like to join my class today", that old lady asks. James?? She called me Mrs. James!!! Anger boils inside of me. How dare she change my last name to my mothers. It doesn't work like that in a divorce. The woman moves back to her maiden name, her children keep the name they were given from the father or other parent. I knew she knows that. But she wants to mess with me. The anger is to much to bear. I let it all out."DON'T YOU DARE SAY MY MOTHERS LAST NAME", I yell. I hear classmates of mine turn their heads to look at me. Others stop talking to listen. " Excuse me", Mrs. Tuttle looks at me and glares. "You heard me. Don't. Call. My. Last. Name. James.", I snap back, not yelling anymore. My real last name was Rodriguez. Taken from my father. " You are being disrespectful young lady", she peers down at me but I still hold my stand. Not wanting this bitch to think I backed down because of her. "Think about your attitude before I put you in detention Mrs. James",She whispers in my ear. She makes sure to hold the 'S' on James. It sounded like a fucking snake. She is a fucking snake. I laugh out loud.

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