Chapter 2

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(The pic is Ember) Ember stood quite still in the morning light as the creatures of the forest awakened. Several birds started to sing. Ember took a deep breath ten plunged down the other side of the hill, down to the land beside the lake. She could smell a familiar scent: Cats! And lots of them, too. Curious, Ember decides to check out first the thick woodland, the territory closest to her and the one she was most accustomed to. As she drew closer, she smelled strong smell of scent markings coming from the forest across a small stream that a fox could easily cross. She sniffed again and hesitated. Do I really want to go there?  She thought, then made up her mind. Hopefully, these cats would not hurt a fox cub.

The cat scent grew stronger still until she reached a hollow. The sides were so high that a fox could break it's leg if it jumped down. But as she gazed down into the hollow, something caught her eye. Cats! They were in the hollow. How did they get down there without breaking their necks?  Ember wondered. She snuffled around the hollow, then she finally found it. A slope, blocked with thorn except for narrow tunnel that Ember could fit in now, but she realized it wouldn't fit a full sized vixen. She paused at the entrance. These cats might chase me off. She thought doubtfully, I should keep watch from the side. So she silently padded back to her perch at the one side where it wasn't obscured by thornbushes and silently, ears pricked, stared into the hollow. 

Cats were now coming out. Most of them came out of one of the bushes and crowded around a white cat that was saying: "Graytuft, you can join Hollypelt's hunting patrol with Shellflight and Poppyclaw," Ember watched, confused, as the four cats came out of the thorn tunnel hunting patrol? she wondered, What's that? she felt even more confused as the white cat called different cats with names she did not understand for a "patrol" at something called the "WindClan border" when the white cat had named these cats and they all went out through the thorn tunnel, Ember thought this was her chance to try to join them. All her life she, she realized, she had been wanting to stay with a family of some sort; these cats could make her wish come true. A black and white cat smaller than the rest emerged from a shallow cave in the rock cliff and stretched. She decided to approach it first, there was a smaller chance that it would be able to harm her. She silently slipped through the thorn tunnel and pressed herself onto the shadowy sides of the cliff. The small black-and-white cat stopped and sniffed the air. It must have smelled her, for it bushed out it's fur and crept towards her.

"Hello!" she barked softly. The cat stepped towards her hesitantly. 

"What do you want, fox!" it said, matching her soft tone. "Look, I don't want to fight you, you're only a cub. But you better get out of here," he added with a small growl.

"Wait! I want to join your group!" she barked. The cat froze, it's eyes widening, when a meow sounded from behind it. "What's going on here?" A light brown tabby she-cat was looming over them.

A bit longer than the last one. I'm planning on making the next one even longer!

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