Chapter 3

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Ember froze, looking at the big tabby with wide, scared eyes. "A fox!" said the tabby, it's fur fluffing up. The black-and-white cat sprang in front of Ember. "No, Brindlestar! She's a friendly fox, she wants to join the Clan!" The tabby looked disbelievingly at Ember. 

"And why would a fox want to join the Clan, young Badgerpaw?" She said, her voice scathing. Undaunted, Ember stood up next to Badgerpaw. "I am lonely, scared and a cub." she announced: "What danger am I to your Clan?" she hoped she had said the right thing. Unexpectedly, Badgerpaw stood up for her: "Isn't it better for the Clan to take her in?" he urged.

"How so?" replied Brindlestar, tipping her head to one side and her fur flattening.

"Isn't it much better for her to join the Clan than be wandering across our territory, an enemy to us?" Brindlestar opened her mouth to speak, but Badgerpaw hadn't finished. "Also, the other Clans would fear us! The Clan that has a fox as a member!" Brindlestar started to nod slowly, though there was a gleam of surprise that Badgerpaw would so fiercely defend a fox. She wasn't the only one, Ember was also staring at Badgerpaw, shocked. Then Brindlestar spoke. Her eyes had been narrowed as she thought. "I will speak with the senior warriors and see what they think, then we might accept her into the Clan."

It was now afternoon, and Ember and Badgerpaw had been sitting outside of the thorn tunnel. Then a light tabby head poked out of the thorn entrance and said: "Come," her eyes gave away nothing. Ember slowly walked into camp with Badgerpaw at her side. The other cats drew away, hissing, while others fluffed out their fur and spat. But strangely, a few dipped their heads to her, and, in a flash, Ember realized what that meant. She started to glow with excitement. Brindlestar leaped up on a ledge and said. "I think you all know we have a newcomer." No one said anything, they all knew who it was. Brindlestar cleared her throat: "I have discussed this newcomer with my senior warriors and we have decided to accept her into the Clan." An uproar of protest greeted her, and Ember flinched. Only the comforting presence of Badgerpaw by her side kept her from bolting away through the thorn tunnel. Brindlestar put her paw up for silence. Slowly the crowd quieted down. While Brindlestar listed the reasons Badgerpaw had said Ember didn't bother to listen. She stared around the camp, taking in all the details. The rough, tall walls, the ruble leading to a cave close to where Brindlestar sat, And a larger bush at the side of the wall. She turned her attention back to Brindlestar as she said: "So, this fox will train alongside our apprentices and learn the ways of a warrior." Brindlestar glanced at Ember. "Step forward," she said to her. Nervously, Ember stepped into the middle of the circle of cats. "What is your name?" she asked. 

"Ember," she replied, forcing her voice not to shake. Brindlestar nodded and announced:

"Ember is a perfect Clan prefix. from now on she will be known as Emberpaw, and her mentor will be Rainwish," Emberpaw recognized one of the cats that had dipped his head to her. The blue-furred tom came and touched noses with her. She guessed mentor meant he would teach her the ways of the Clan. "Is it agreed?" Brindlestar asked the Clan. Murmurs of acceptance rippled through the Clan. Only a few cats were now left giving Emberpaw hostile glances. "Badgerpaw, you can explain Clan life to her," Emberpaw went to the side of the clearing with Rainwish and Badgerpaw, who began explaining immediately. "So, there's the warrior code..." And he explained all the traditions till nightfall, and gave Emberpaw a tour of camp. Then she was curled, exhausted, in a mossy nest in a cave in the side of the cliff.

Phew! This took me soo long. My fingers are cold! Also, I would appreciate feedback and ideas for the next chapter(s), for what you want Emberpaw to do or find. Also, I do know Badgerfang's story, so Badgerpaw's warrior suffix will not be -fang. You can comment Emberpaw's or Badgerpaw's warrior names in any of the chapters until the one where they both get their warrior names is released.

🍁🍃Warriors: A Poisonous Path🍁🍃حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن