Chapter 6

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(pic is Cottonbreeze) "Show off," meowed Badgerpaw when they reached the ThunderClan camp, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Emberpaw rolled her eyes. "I wanted to make an impression, ok?" she retorted, laughing a little. Then they both curled up in their nest and were fast asleep. 

When Emberpaw woke up the den was empty except for Badgerpaw's sleeping form. She could already hear Dovedawn's voice outside. swiftly she prodded Badgerpaw in the side. "Come on! We overslept." she growled into his ear. It twitched, then Badgerpaw sat bolt upright and padded out of the Den. Emberpaw emerged after him. "Emberpaw! Badgerpaw! Just in time, you two can join the dawn patrol with Fallenfrost and your mentors'." As Emberpaw and Badgerpaw padded obediently towards where Fallenfrost, Rainwish and Cottonbreeze were waiting. Emberpaw expected Cottonbreeze to make some smart remark about being late, but to her surprise he said nothing. The WindClan border was quiet, but fresh scent marks told Emberpaw their dawn patrol had passed through here earlier today.

Shadepaw growled at her as she came through the thorn tunnel, then he smirked. As Badgerpaw and Emberpaw drew farther from him, Emberpaw whispered in Badgerpaw's ear: "What's he so smug about?" 

"It's his warrior ceremony today." he hissed, glaring at Shadepaw. Emberpaw snorted and turned her head away. She felt even angrier when Brindlestar leaped up on Highledge and yowled: "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Highledge for a clan meeting!" when all the cats were in the clearing she began: "I, Brindlestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in their turn," Brindlestar paused, "Shadepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Shadepaw trembled with excitement and awe, "I do!" his mew rang out across the clearing. 

Brindlestar continued: "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Shadepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Shadeclaw. StarClan honours your enthusiasm and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." the Clan cheered. Emberpaw didn't, she just stared at the newly named Shadeclaw with cold eyes. You are my enemy, I will never forget that.

Heh, drama at the end, there? Please comment Emberpaw's and Badgerpaw's warrior names! Haypaw's and Mudpaw's too if you want.

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