Day Two

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Vasati P.O.V

Vanya, the youngest sister of the three, was sulking in the chair in front of Kallias's desk. 

"What has she done now?" Vasati asked as she walked over to the desk. 

"What makes you think I did anything?" Vanya said looking over her shoulder at her older sisters. 

Vasati just gave her a look. 

Each sister took emotions different. 

Viviane would talk to her mate about the people they could help in the city. Go out and do good in her court, in her land. Try to reconcile her pain with goodness. To build up her Court in an attempt to hide the emotions in her eyes. Kallias would always see it but never say anything. 

Vasati would go kick someone's ass or something's ass. She had been known to destroy a few punching bags in the process of letting off steam. Best not to let anyone see her be emotional and suffer in silence as her father had always done. 

Vanya would turn to alcohol and a certain drug. There was a drug called Oblis, which means Death. It would give you what seemed like a high, but it would slowly kill your mind. She had been doing it since their parents died around three hundred years ago. Vasati was surprised she wasn't dead. 

"I found her last night," Viviane said, "she was convulsing on the ground, foaming at the mouth. This must stop Vanya. You will kill yourself with this drug." 

"I know my limits," Vanya said trying to rise. 

Vasati was still shocked by what Viv had said. 

"Vanya, you were almost dead last night," Viviane said shaking her head. 

"I've let the drug live in this court long enough," Kallias said, "it ends. Even if I have to take drastic measures to rid the Winter Court of Oblis." 

"How are you going to do that?" Vanya asked. 

"I'm not sure yet, but something will come to me eventually," he said standing up, "In the meantime, you are going to help me flush it out." 

Vanya looked suspicious of him. 

"How will I do that?" She asked. 

"You know who deals it, you will tell me. You know some people who intake it, you are going to tell me that as well," he said to her, giving her the High Lord look. 

The look he reserved for people who had a history of not cooperating. Like Vanya. Vasati had been fortunate to never have that look directed at her. 

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Vanya said. 

"I can throw you in jail if you would prefer that instead," Kallias said, although Viv's face screwed up at the thought. 

"Would you let him do that?" Vanya asked turning to Viviane. 

Viviane looked a bit unsure as she thought about it but finally settled on a face that screamed determination. 

"Yes, if I believed it would help," Viviane said. 

Vanya looked a bit taken aback at Viv's words. Vanya had always been Viviane's soft spot. Vasati had always had to work for Viviane's love and respect but Vanya had always been a free receiver, squandering the love Viviane gave her. 

"Fine," Vanya said looking back at Kallias. 

Vasati looked at Kallias, the question already forming in her mind. Question after question getting ready to come shooting out of her. 

"High Lord, what do you need of me in this situation? My sisters seem to have this under control," Vasati spoke turning to Kallias. 

"Currently with our Spring Court guests here and now suddenly this drug problem beginning to severely annoy me, I find that I would ask you to keep watch over the Spring Lord," Kallias said raising a hand as Vasati opened her mouth to object, "He will begin to wonder why negotiations are taking so long to start, you will be there to soften the blow. He has always had trouble bowing to female power, and you will show him the error of his ways. That should be a task you can more than handle, plus, maybe it will do some good for you as well."

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