it's a shitpost what else-

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The Females tall skinny figure laid on her bed reading in the dim red light coming in through the open window humming every now and then. After a while she put the book down and got off her bed arching her back hearing it crack made her sigh happily.

Moving on almost silent feet She padded into the bathroom grabbing a pair of Pajamas off her dresser on the way. Stepping onto the tile she locked the door behind her quickly changing and looking at herself in the mirror. "Oh my god I look Terrible-"

She began brushing through her long black hair with her fingers trying to remove the knots. "That's better I guess." After brushing her teeth the female unlocked the door and stepped out gently closing it behind her and breathing a sigh of relief.

She flopped down on her bed and almost instantly fell asleep curled up into a ball of fabric and black hair.


The opened window blew the curtains around before it was gently closed by two pairs of hands. One covered in fingerless black gloves and the other a pale white with several scratches and cuts causing the Female to awake but keep herself in the position eyes closed, ears straining to listen.

"Awh fuck. Why is the window so heavyyyy" Was that a person in her room?! "Your just weak [Redacted] You just aren't strong enough." Another one?! She reached for the pistol hidden down the side of her mattress.

"[Redacted] don't bully your brother. He's younger so of course he's weaker" Gods nipples who the fuck where these people? Robbers??

She gripped the gun and shot up, pointing the gun to where she heard the voices, standing there was three ghostly figures each with their own features looking at her in surprise.


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