Chapter Forty-One

36 11 2

July 4th,2021

1845 hours

Quinn shoved Ellis onto a chair in an empty office, rough and unapologetic. He had no intention of offering her any semblance of compassion, certainly not now that he was certain she knew she was responsible for those deaths and dismemberments. In his eyes, she was just like any other killer he'd ever put behind bars, only this time, it ruffled him more than the rest.

She was a cold, hard bitch, remorseless that her greed cost countless innocent lives. It was apparent on her face as she grinned up at him magnanimously, an air of pompousness still flowing through her body language.

He nodded through the open door at Gordon to take his leave, along with Dr. Bourke, so they could question Dr. Urskin in a separate room. Gordon gave a sharp tilt of his head in reply, and Robyn cast Quinn a gentle smile with her eyes, one that didn't quite reach to the rest of her face. Quinn knew she was nervous, but she was the only one who could interpret anything the scientist said. Shepp stayed with him, silently brooding in the corner, an eagle eye to catch whatever small nuances Quinn might miss when he interrogated Lynne.

"Sit down." He hissed, though it was mute, as she was still cuffed and couldn't easily stand on her own. Still, it made him feel better to say it.

"Perhaps I should lay down," she simpered, crazed eyes glinting as she stared him down "and we can continue where we left off the other night."

"You're certifiably insane." He observed, leaning against the cold, metal wall, arms crossed as his liquid silver eyes bored into her chaotic ones.

"You're just mad I didn't get you off." She laughed, and he tensed, body shuddering with disgust.

"I assure you, Ms. Ellis, that I had no intention to do so. You are not attractive to me in the least. That tryst was merely a rouse to steal your notes, which are very incriminating." His voice was final, definitive, and he hoped she'd get the idea.

"Lie to me, if you wish, detective," she simpered, twisting in her restraints "but we both know you liked it."

Quinn hated this line of questioning. It was getting him no further to uncovering her secrets, and he needed her to spill her guts, so the hidden microphone inside his lapel that was recording their conversation could serve as proof of her involvement. He grasped at straws, blindly searching for an epiphany, when one struck him with such force, he couldn't contain a devious smirk.

"You might be right," he began, walking toward the desk and leaning close, his face inches from hers "I do have certain instinctual desires that were just too overwhelming to resist, in your naked presence."

Lynne's face flushed, her eyes glazing as he spoke seductively in her ear. Turning her on wasn't his end game, however, and he opened his mouth near her ear to finish his thought.

"Of course, those are just primal, male urges, and I was so horny I would've slept with the ugliest hag in the room." He grinned devilishly, pulling away and turning to leave. He paused after a few steps, his head cocked, the devious look still on his chiseled features. "Come to think of it, that's exactly what I did." He mused, pleased with the flash of anger and embarrassment that took over her girly smile. "It benefited me more than you, I'm sure, since I now have the evidence that I need to put you away forever."

The last words came out in a growl, and Lynne's cheeks were growing so red he could almost light the dark room with them. "You cocky, arrogant bastard." She snarled; clearly, the jab at her beauty had gotten under her skin, just as he planned.

"That I am." Quinn replied coldly, face hard like stone. It was her move.

"You think you know everything," an ugly, twisted sneer turned her lips "but you've underestimated me."

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