Just a Note

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My lovely readers! Please, if you find yourself on the receiving end of a horrible misfortune that results in you reading this possibly crappy novel, keep in mind this is still in editing mode. I am in the process of adding my ideas as they flow, so sometimes I will go back and add chapters or move them around as they fall into place. That being said, if you can't see the connection or relevance to something, please let me know and I will try to work on correcting it immediately.

My writing process is a bit unconventional, and as the ideas come I write. I don't use an outline, and I try to fit things together before they are fully formed thoughts. This allows me to change things more easily as I go, but that being said, I do skip around and some parts are more developed than others. You might be thinking this novel sucks and I'm insane. I don't care. I really enjoy writing and if I only get a few readers, then that makes me happy.

If you do read this, you don't have to comment, but I do like feedback and I like to know if you are connecting to the characters. I try to make them as realistic and memorable as possible.

Thank you to anyone who does read this, and happy reading!!!

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