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"Stay away from me."

"Lan Zhan."

"Don't come any closer."


He moved closer towards Lan Wangji. His eyes were wide in fear, his hair and clothes were all sorts of messed up, but to Wei Wuxian it didn't matter. He looked gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. He tried to go forward but Lan Wangji backed away just as quick. Impatient, he grabbed his arms and pulled him towards him. Despite Lan Wangji's larger height, after all of Wei Wuxian's training, he assumed he was much stronger than the other. Lan Wangji was taken aback by his sudden strength and didn't resist as Wei Wuxian pulled him in.

Wei Wuxian's hand moved up to stroke Lan Wangji's face. He didn't move as he cupped his cheek and tucked a couple strands of hair away behind his ear. Lan Wangji didn't do or say anything, only a single tear leaked out from his eyes.

Even after all this, I still can't resist this touch, he thought.

Wei Wuxian's heart torn apart seeing Lan Wangji like this. Afraid. Of him.

"I'm sorry for deceiving you."

"I'm not."


Wei Wuxian felt something pierce into his side and then everything became hazy. His head throbbed and he looked at Lan Wangji in betrayal.


Lan Wangji examined the syringe in his hand and looked back at Wei Wuxian. He hummed in satisfaction before he said, "I've told you before, I'm not who you think I am."

Wei Wuxian suddenly realized just who Lan Wangji really was.


"Mn," Lan Wangji confirmed.

"How could you?"

"The Jiangs struck first. I'm not the one to blame."

Wei Wuxian paled.

"You knew all along?"

"Yes," Lan Wangji sneered. "I knew. I knew that you were the Yiling Laozu. I knew you were approaching me with an ulterior motive. I knew you were using me. I knew—no—I know that you never loved me."

Even through the throbbing in Wei Wuxian's head, he could hear the pain laced in the last sentence. But it wasn't true! Not at all!


"But it doesn't matter," Lan Wangji knelt down and caressed Wei Wuxian's face. "We're going back to Gusu, A-Yuan will even be coming with us. We'll be one big happy family and you will never leave me ever again."

Lan Wangji gently pressed his lips against Wei Wuxian's as he slowly lost consciousness and everything went black.

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