First Meet

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Currently, how Wei Wuxian was enjoying the gala right now could only be described in one word: wine.

Thankfully, Jiang Cheng had agreed that they would purchase Emperor's Smile for the gala. Wei Wuxian told him it was because their most important guest was Lan Wangji and he would be most accustomed to Emperor's Smile besides Wei Wuxian himself. He never told Jiang Cheng that the Lans were actually forbidden to drink alcohol.

But tonight, the Emperor's Smile table was the only thing that could barely keep Wei Wuxian from stomping right up to that dumb peacock and dragging his beloved shi-jie away from him while simultaneously flipping him off. That, and Jiang Cheng's threat before they went in.

"Cause any trouble and I will kill you," he had warned.

Wei Wuxian had promised. And unfortunately, "trouble" included rudely sticking up a middle finger towards a guest and telling them to fuck off. Not that Jiang Cheng was doing any better though. Wei Wuxian could see the wine glass in Jiang Cheng's was a second away from shattering in his grip.

Both continued to glare at that goddamn peacock while their sister laughed happily and chatted away, oblivious to the daggers that Jin Zixuan was sweating from.

Yeah, you better be scared. One frown on my shi-jie's face and I'll make sure that your body won't even be found in a ditch, Wei Wuxian threatened as he made eye contact with Jin Zixuan.

But his concentration on their interaction was soon cut off as a tall broad-shouldered, muscular man walked into the room in his fine white suit. Those cold, detached, golden eyes shone brightly as he used them to examine all the guests at the gala.

Wei Wuxian recognized him in one glance.

Lan Wangji had finally come.


Lan Wangji's eyes quickly scanned the room.

To his left was Jin Guangyao, the CFO of Lanling Jin Modeling, in his yellow suit chatting away with a man also dressed in white. Nie Mingjue, chief of the Qinghe Nie city police department, towered over both of them in his dark gray and green suit and protective hand around Jin Guangyao's waist. There really wasn't a reason why Nie Mingjue was there, besides being Jin Guangyao's plus one since Lan Xichen couldn't make it. Nevertheless, Jin Guangyao seemed genuinely happy and had a real smile on his face that was only there with his two lovers. Not the fake courteous smile he'd have with anyone else.

Further inwards, he saw Jin Guangshan, the Chairman of Lanling Jin Modeling, talking with the Chairman of Moling Su Jewelry Corp, Su Yao, while occasionally eyeing some women in the middle of the room, giggling away with each other. His wife was at his side, visibly frowning at him whenever his gaze was elsewhere.

To the right, he saw Jiang Cheng clad in purple. Some people were trying to converse with him but his attention was elsewhere. He followed his gaze to see Jin Zixuan, the CEO of Lanling Jin Modeling, talking with a woman dressed in purple. Guessing by the attitude of Jiang Cheng and their similar clothing styles, that woman must be Jiang Yanli. Some woman were enviously glaring at her as she continued to happily chat with Jin Zixuan. He looked entranced, and wouldn't take his eyes off of her.

More to his right was Luo Qingyang, Jin Zixuan's secretary, and her plus one, Wen Qing, who was an attending physician at Yiling Hospital. Both were rolling their eyes and snickering as women continued to glare at Jiang Yanli but back away as they felt Jiang Cheng's stare. Her brother Wen Ning, was Wei Wuxian's personal bodyguard, and he stood right next to his target.

Wei Wuxian. He was leaning against one of the food tables at the right of the room. His red suit enveloped his slim figure perfectly and Lan Wangji was enamored by the man's plump lips, sipping at the wine in his glass.

Stop staring, he told himself. You have a job to do.

Lan Wangji started at the man and he stared right back. Neither broke eye contact with each other. Slowly, Wei Wuxian smirked and began to approach him at the same time the other man in white walked up. Lan Wangji patiently waited at the door, seeing who would get to him first.

Despite, Wei Wuxian literally greeting every single person he passed, he still managed to reach Lan Wangji before the other.

"Mr. Lan," he smiled and extended his hand. "I'm Wei Wuxian. It's an honor to have you attend our gala tonight."

"Please Mr. Wei, just call me Lan Wangji," he shook his hand.

"Then please, just call me Wei Wuxian."


"Mr. Lan," the man in white grinned at Lan Wangji. "I'm Su She, CEO of Moling Su Jewelry."

The man didn't look special. At least, not next to Wei Wuxian. He wasn't that tall or that skinny. At least, not next to Wei Wuxian. His eyes weren't that big and his skin wasn't that pale. At least, not next to Wei Wuxian. He could've been considered good looking anywhere else. But alas, he was next to Wei Wuxian.

His short hair was slicked back with hair gel and his teeth were an unnatural blinding shade of white. His nose was slightly crooked, but his jawline was rather sharp, and his lips were rather small. His dark single-lidded eyes held some sort of annoyance as he extended his hand towards Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji courteously shook it, but couldn't help but compare his to Wei Wuxian's. His grip was weaker and his hand was rather rough and dry. Wei Wuxian's grip was more firm and his hand was soft like silk. Wei Wuxian also exerted much more confidence and his aura just seemed to draw people in. Draw Lan Wangji in.

"Mr. Lan," Su She began. "I've recently traveled to Yi City and I bought an extremely well-made guqin. I have a couple of questions that I wanted to ask you about the instrument—"

"I'm sorry Mr. Su," Wei Wuxian cut in. "But Lan Wangji and I had already agreed to have a more private conversation about a business relationship when he arrived rather than converse about it on the phone. Didn't we, Lan Wangji?"

Lan Wangji looked into those gray mischievous eyes but he couldn't read a single intention in them. He hadn't expected Wei Wuxian to be the one to approach him first. Oh well, he'll play along and see just what kind of game Wei Wuxian was planning.

"Mn, we did. Mr. Su, please excuse us," Lan Wangji nodded and then followed Wei Wuxian through another door, leaving a taken aback Su She behind them.

Now we're finally alone, they both thought.

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