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"Mmnf.." Kenma huffed out, an irritated expression resting on his face as he sat alone.

His classes for the day were cancelled last minute, much to his joy, and he'd gotten to stay back. However, Akaashi's were still going, leaving him alone. Normally Kenma didn't see it as much of an issue, yet this time he had — as he was rather bored.

Regularly games would be his go-to, but for whatever reason he couldn't quite put together — he didn't feel like playing any. Instead, the bi-coloured male oddly felt the urge to go out, nowhere far that is, maybe just to get a drink and back.

Once the idea had come to mind, Kenma didn't even bother to ponder it before he'd gotten up. Seeing as how he was already dressed, the bi-coloured male only needed to grab his wallet and throw his shoes on before he was ready to go out.

Stepping outside for once felt refreshing to Kenma, the sunlight that grazed his skin alongside the warm yet refreshing breeze brought on an odd sense of ease. The bi-coloured male spared a small smile in satisfaction at the feeling, and began his walk. He'd decided on stopping by Unmei for a few minutes, he could use a drink and maybe even an apple pocket.

It felt odd almost, going to Unmei alone as usually Kenma went along with Akaashi; though he figured maybe going alone would do him well. Besides, the chances of running into someone that would talk to him was low, so he didn't think he'd need social assistance from the dark-haired.

Or so he thought.

"Hey!" A familiar yet unwelcomed voice beamed from behind the bi-coloured male, making him sigh bitterly as he stopped. "Kenma, right?"

"I don't want to associate myself with you Kuroo, leave me be." Kenma turned his head at the slightest, a permanent scowl etched into his face as he looked towards the dark-haired that now stood at his side.

"Aw come on, why not?" Kuroo's face fell to a playful frown. "There's no need to wound me like this y'know, especially if you're stuck with me regardless." The dark-haired's fake frown quickly lifted to a slight grin at the suggestion, though a suggestion it seemed the other male didn't understand.

"I beg your pardon?" Kenma scoffed as he now turned to fully face the other, confused and rather unimpressed with his suggestion. "I merely tolerate you on the odd occasion, I'm in no way stuck with you, nice try."

"What? But you'r-" Kuroo quickly paused, his voice fading off into silence as he eyed the bi-coloured male's face. He didn't seem to be kidding, did he not know yet? "Ah whatever, it's not important. You're headed to get a drink, aren't you? Mind if I tag along?"

"I-.." Now it was Kenma's turn to fall silent, a skeptical essence seeping into his expression as he eyed the other silently for a moment. A small part of him wanted to know what Kuroo was going to say, yet that curiosity was quickly brushed off. "I guarantee you'd walk with me anyways, so what's the point in saying no."

"Hey, how'd you know?" The dark-haired chuckled heartily, continuing to walk as before once he'd seen that Kenma had started walking as well.

"God you're insufferable, go away." The shorter of the two rolled his eyes harshly as he let out a bitter sigh — not bothering to hold the door open for Kuroo as he walked into Unmei. It was a simple act of vengeance for bugging him, in his mind at least.

"Mm, no, I don't think I will." The dark-haired shrugged softly, a faint grin still resting on his face as the two now made it to the counter.

"Hi! Welcome to Unmei, what can I get you?"

"What do you want?" The question — surprisingly enough — came from Kuroo. Said dark-haired spared a moment to look towards Kenma, patiently waiting for an answer.

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