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"Thanks." Kuroo held his signature smile as he took his Frappuccino from the barista, he still had a good hour till his classes started and decided getting something caffeinated would help him wake up a bit.

As he approached the usual window-side table he always sat at, he couldn't help but notice the laptop bag on the seat across from the one he'd just now sat on. Hesitantly the dark-haired placed his drink down, having a mental debate over whether or not someone else was sitting there or if someone had just forgotten their bag.

He didn't have to debate for long however as within minutes, his answer came flying through Unmei's doors.

In rushed an all too familiar figure, one of which had to pause upon entering the café — taking a moment to calm his rapidly beating heart and catch his breath. The bi-coloured male immediately shot his gaze towards the table he'd been sitting at no longer than fifteen minutes ago, completely missing the other individual there and instead zeroing in on his bag.

He really had to stop forgetting his things.

"Oh thank god-.." Kenma stopped himself, glancing from his laptop carrier to the man in the seat across from it, just my luck.

Kuroo sat there, a bewildered expression replacing his usual, cocky one.

"I'll take a wild guess and say that carriers yours?" The dark-haired questioned, earning a slow nod from Kenma, who of which had just now walked his way over to the table.

The bi-coloured male remained silent for a minute, picking up his bag and slinging it around his shoulder, quickly scanning over the dents on its outside to make sure everything was still inside.

"No one touched it at all, did they?" He then went on to ask, as Kenma figured Kuroo had been there for some time. How long exactly he wasn't sure of.

"I haven't been here long so I can't say, but for the sakes of better judgment, I'd say no." Kuroo shrugged slightly, though the sentence alone was enough for Kenma to feel reassured, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Don't you have class?" The dark-hared went on to question, once again earning golden eyes on him.

"Not for a bit, I've got till nine."


Kuroo only stared at the other dumbfounded, was he not watching the time..?

Kenma quirked a brow at the others odd reaction, rolling his eyes instinctively. "What?"

"It's nine o' five."

Immediately the bi-coloured male stilled at this, tensing up for a split second before regaining himself. He quickly checked his watch, low and behold, it was indeed nine o' five.

"Shit, I gotta go." Kenma muttered out quickly, steadying one hand on his bag as the other shot Kuroo a half-assed wave. "See you around."

And with that, he'd quickly turned on his heels, rushing out of the café with — unbeknownst to Kuroo — a light pink tint to his cheeks. He tried not to dwell on the embarrassment of being late, and instead focused ahead on actually getting to class.

Kuroo on the other hand sat stunned, a surprised expression resting on his face as he watched the others figure disappear through Unmei's doors in a hurry. He slowly let the event replay in his mind, pulling himself out of his trance slightly was the obvious feeling of a goofy smile that made its way onto his face.

That was only one of the very many run-ins the two had within the rest of the week. Neither could figure out why they happened to bump into each other so often, whether it was coincidental or unknowingly planned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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