chapter three.

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chapter three.

( life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it. )

There isn't a single doubt in my mind that JJ is drastically prone to be dramatic. I haven't personally known him for too long a time, but even then it has become perfectly apparent. Hearing the panic behind his voice when he called me, stumbling over his words as he demanded I get to the chateau as soon as possible- was interesting, but not quite as strange.

On the drive over, I couldn't help but wonder what mayhem they've encountered now. It sounded urgent, though not in a way that tells me they've come to any conclusions yet. Hopefully, he keeps up his end of the deal regardless and convinces his friends to let me get a look at the compass.

Pulling up to John B's house in itself is also interesting. A twinge of reluctance flickers through me, because this could very well be nothing. Or even worse, all this could lead to is painfully awkward and unpleasant interactions with JJ and his friends.

However, it isn't like we'll be hanging out. This is strictly a business arrangement, whether JJ knows it or not. And it would be irresponsible to leave this open-ended. There's no harm in being certain. With that in mind, I step out of my car and shut the door behind me, looking at the neglected state of the property. I've never been here before, but even then, I'm sure it's seen some better days.

JJ is on the porch, along with the rest of his friends. His is the only voice I can hear, which isn't anything groundbreaking in slightest.

"At that point, I was just, like... I'm waiting for death," he says dramatically as I walk up the porch steps, my hands hidden into my pockets. His eyes catch mine as he spots me through the mesh, and a wave of relief washes over his nervous features, easing the fire behind his eyes if even just momentarily. He rushes over to open the screen door for me. "You're here," he says, sounding like he almost doesn't believe it for himself.

I nod, stepping in. "You said as soon as possible."

John B doesn't look surprised to see me, if only a little aloof. The other two, however, do look properly thrown off. I fight off the urge to roll my eyes. Where's the logic behind only telling one of his friends that I was coming?

"You guys know Kai," JJ turns to them and gestures to me awkwardly, like he wants to reach out and place his hand on me but decides against it at the last second.

I chuckle quietly as I watch his immediate shift of demeanor. I never considered how amusing it might be to watch how he'll interact with me in front of his friends. While we do talk every now and then in public, it's rare. And it's always been just the two of us. Never amongst other people, and certainly never with his friends.

I take a hand out of my pocket and wave at them, pleased when I see how that too catches them off guard.

Pope takes a moment, but he waves back, which I appreciate. Kiara, on the other hand, furrows her eyebrows at me cautiously, like she's scrutinizing me closely, with a placid frown tugging on her face. Obviously, she instantly distrusts me.

Becoming easily aware of the fact, a smile slowly draws on my lips because, okay. This could be fun.

JJ clears his throat, already flustered and awkward, which only adds to my growing amusement. "He let us borrow the gear so that we could explore the wreck," he tells them, and then he turns to me. His eyes have widened slightly with a familiar urgency, presumably eager to recount what he was in the middle of telling his friends before my arrival.

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