this is why i don't want to forgive

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this is why i don't want to forgive

and the adults say:

my dear child, forgive

(yeah, i know that she ripped your heart out and stuffed it with balloons filled with methane and dripping with heated gasoline. she said you were ugly, worthless, a retard, and then apologized to you in front of all your friends so they'll love her. she ripped your shirt sleeves apart until they burst at the seams like your ego, mixed with bloodsweat&tears. when you grew the most beautiful garden, she lied that you stole all her seeds. she turned all your friends against you, your parents as well. she wiped rumors of you over the bathroom walls and the classroom windows until the whole world could smell the reek of her stench, and yes, they blamed you for it. everyone hates you now, even yourself, and now you walk with garbage in your shoes and ice cubes in your pockets because society despises you. but well,) 

it's not that hard, and what could you know about pain anyway?

you're just a kid.

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