Classes and friends.

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The next day

Morning.. (third pov)

"Princess.....time to rise and shine..." lily Athanasia's nanny said. Athy had brought lily along with her two maids Hannah and Ces. Her private room was exactly like her own castle bedroom. Lily woke her up as they bathe her and put on her clothes. She was wearing a green and blue sleeveless coat with a plain grey white dress with green fading in the endings with of course her jewels. This one

After she was done she headed down only to see Luna leaving the dorm too

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After she was done she headed down only to see Luna leaving the dorm too. She stopped her as they both made their way to the great hall. Luna and athy discussed about the different subjects on their way there. Potions first, herebology second, DADA third and muggle studies last. Luna started telling about professor snape but they had reached the great hall. Dumbledore and the teachers were seated talking and eating.

Athy noticed her other friends but she choose to sit with Luna today. As they sat down a fancy looking cup filled with some pinkish tea appeared in front of Athy. "What's that?" Luna asked picking her food. Athy took a sip as she smiled, "it's Lippe tea, I told the headmaster I wanted it in my breakfast everyday.." "That's great." Luna said biting her toast. Athy then picked up a fried egg, bacon, some toasted bread and last but not least some chocolates. "I can see you a sweet spot for chocolates..." Luna said as her usual dreamy self. " yeah... I've had that since childhood.." Athy admitted a bit embarrassed. 

They finished their breakfast as Athy realised she forgot her books. Luna had already told her the castle layout before so she knew where to go. She made her way to the dungeons 4 mins late to her class. She opened the door to see all the students staring at her. "I'm sorry professor, I was a bit lost." She said. "I'll accept it since it is your first day, but keep in mind that another time this happens you will have detention." Professor snape spoke.

Snape turned his back teaching once again as Athy saw the only empty seat next to Mattheo. 'Damnit! Why was I stupid enough to forget my books today!' She thought cursing herself as she took the seat next to Mattheo who was sitting next to his brother, Tom. "Well, look who finally decided to accept me, athy.." Mattheo said feeding his ego. "Oh shut up, this was the only seat available." Athy said turning her attention to the class.

"Since we have a new student, Princess Athanasia would you mind telling me what Veritaserum is used for?" Snape asked. "For someone to tell the truth sir, you can't lie if you drink that." Athy answered. "Impressive, considering you only had 4 days to learn all of this." Snape said with his eyebrows up. "I have been considered a genius in my empire, professor. I have remember things I have only seen once." Athy said. "Oh really? Well, tell me about the most powerful love potion in the world." Snape asked testing her.

Athy raised an eyebrow before answering, "Amortentia potion. It doesn't create actual love, just a powerful obsession. It is rumoured to smell different to each person depending on what attracts them the most." "Hmmm, looks like you really weren't bluffing before. Good." Snape said a little angry she defeated him. The class went on as they were told to take down notes. Athy took out her to-go notebook and started writing with a expensive gem quill. While writing she felt a hard tap on her shoulder. She turned her head to a smirking Mattheo, ready to irritate her.

 She turned her head to a smirking Mattheo, ready to irritate her

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"Why do all of your things from your everyday dresses to your writing quill have to have atleast one jewel?" He asked

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"Why do all of your things from your everyday dresses to your writing quill have to have atleast one jewel?" He asked. "It's just my normal working quill. It's only proper that a princess of one of the most powerful empires is surrounded by luxuries. Now if you don't mind you should start taking notes too." She said turning her head back. "They can't teach me shit I don't already know." He said leaning back. "Whatever don't disturb me then." She said turning her attention back.

The class ended as Snape told them to hand over the notes they took today tomorrow first thing. That's when the riddle brothers realised they should have probably taken notes. "Hey, can you give me you notes?" Mattheo asked her. "Give it to us at the end of the day in the library, princess." Tom said making his way out. "Ugh...Sure fine." She said grabbing her books and heading out for class.

She met up with Luna who was waiting for her outside.They have herebology next with professor spourt. Luna and athy made their way to the greenhouse no.4. "By the way Luna, which house do we have this with?" Athy asked. "Gryffindor." Luna answered. They reached the greenhouse.

They went inside to see the golden trio and half of the gryffindor so and ravenclaws already there. They all wore their beige robes as Athy and Luna took the seat next to the trio. "Hello, Athanasia." Harry greeted. "Hello, Harry." Athy replied. Just then a cheerful voice came from the front as professor spourt made her entrance. "Welcome 5th years to greenhouse no.4, now can anyone tell me what are mandrakes?" "Mandrakes or Mandogora, they can work as a strong antidote, but they're cries are fatal to anyone who hears them." Athy answered. "Excellent, 20 points to ravenclaw." All the Ravenclaws gave a thumbs-up to her. The class went on and both the houses ended 30 points due to Athy and Hermoine. 

As they were exiting the class, Hermoine called out to Athy. "Athy!!! Can you come to study with me in the library today at 7pm?" Hermione asked. "Sure, I was going there anyway."Athy answered. "You've got yourself a lot of friends." Luna commented. "Nah, you'd still be my no.1 best friend." Athy said smiling at her. "Thank you Athy." Luna said a bit shy. The next class was DADA which all the classes had together.

They had professor Lupin as their DADA teacher. Athy and Luna arrived at class and sat together. The class started, as the riddle brothers came 5 mins late to class. "Detention mr. riddles! For being the 6th time late to class." Lupin shouted. They just shrugged and took the seat behind Athy.

Mattheo pov:

We came late and got detention. Great. Just great! I took a seat behind Athy. Though I know she hasn't given me the permission to do call her like that. I wasn't paying attention until I heard the word 'duel'. Things are starting to get interesting. "Now since Princess Athanasia joined us new, how about we have a little duel?" Lupin asked her. "Sure professor." She answered. What is she thinking she can't beat a professor she's just joined!

Athy pov

He actually thinks he can beat someone of the obelian bloodline think again! I mastered this all before I came here, in order to not embarrass myself. We bowed, as he said wands at the ready. I put my wand up as we took are positions. "1....2.....3!"

"Expellriamus!" I said as I shoot the spell at him. He stumbled back and got to his knees. "Ricumsepura!" He shot back but I defected it by using the spell.....

Who made me a princess x Harry Potter crossover. (Athy x various boys)Where stories live. Discover now