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I think I'm supposed to be panicking my soul out of here since I'm following a complete stranger into the unknown. Makes me wonder how the hell did I not get kidnapped when the person in the van offers me some candy. If just asking me is what it takes for me to follow a stranger, I would have lost all my organs from the black market. No, wait, I think that's the wrong market. I don't know the actual name of the market where people sell other people's organs, but I'm pretty sure black market ain't have that kind of illegality. Black market has class, I must say.

After all that, I'm still following this woman. I decided to fall behind for about a meter away from her, but that's when I realized her whole outfit. She wears what looks like a midnight-shade black plain shirt for a top, letting her smooth arms be bare. The shirt is perfectly and smoothly tucked-in her azure blue ripped jeans—well, from the back it just looks like plain jeans, but I have a feeling it's ripped. Around the jeans is a light caramel-shade brown belt, I don't think if there's any use for that belt since the jeans look perfectly fit for her without any extra space, perhaps it's for fashion purposes. Lastly, I wasn't surprised about her footwear of choice, a mid-calf brown—perhaps the same shade as the belt—boots effortlessly sits at the bottom of the folded end of the jeans.

"You have a thing for boots?" I ask as I try to chase her walking pace. It feels weird since I don't know this woman, and I'm following her like a child who loves shadowing their mother. Plus, people might suspect me following this person, so might as well look like I'm close with her than just a stranger following a woman around.

She turns her head over her shoulder, her autumn-shade hair sways neatly around, as she tries to give me a wry smile. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, if I had known better, I would have thought your name will be Ashley." I shove both of my hands in my pocket, obviously don't know what I'm supposed to do with them at this point.

The loud sound of her chuckling made my heart do a little flip. Seriously, that sound, that certain sound of her laughter will never stop making my heart flutter in appreciation. "The only thing that is left is a sunglasses and an ice coffee in hand. I would finally finish the Ashley outfit."

I love how she can just ride along on the roller-coaster of my humor quite perfectly, but that doesn't hide the fact that I'm still following her towards the unknown. Kind of feel like Elsa, but I have no intention on singing my lungs out and try to nearly jump off a cliff. Although, if things were different, and I have a much more decent vocal, I might sing my lungs out. Even though my thoughts distract me from what's going to happen, I still need to ask her about where are we going. "So, where are we going exactly?" I raise an eyebrow, even though her back is to me and there's no way for her to see that gesture. That was quite dumb in my part, really. Well, there's time to bully myself about how much of an idiot I am, but priorities first. When I say priorities, I meant making sure Constance won't bring me to somewhere where no one can hear me scream in pain. "You know, it's not in my nature to follow someone I just met. My mom and dad taught me about following strangers when I was this big," I flatten my hand in the air right above my knee. Again, I should keep remembering her back is to me, so there's no use to make a visual gesture.

When she turns her head back to me, a mischievous grin greets me over her shoulder. "And yet, you are following a stranger. It's funny because I haven't even offer any candy to you."

A place a hand at the nape of my neck in embarrassment, "Yeah, I'm surprised I have lived this long." It's weird how she just mentioned something that was on my mind earlier. Well, as what people say, great minds think alike. But I don't think I'm a great mind, since I'm still following a mere stranger to somewhere I have no idea is. Might as well make my middle name "clueless". Declan "Clueless" Calderon. That sounds quite fitting.

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