The Cruel

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Justin and I planned on sneaking into the house together. He said he will go through the hole he dug in, (which now I know because in my backyard, I thought it was Timber) which leads to their basement. He says that we need more people to help us distract them. I thought of Justin could help us,and Justin (boyfriend) said he can help. I thought of my dad, how he always helped us, took care of us, spent time with us. I fought back tears thinking about it. Justin (brother)said it's time. We got on our clothes and started digging through a dug tunnel.

We're in the basement. It's like my brother playing Outlast on the Xbox one it's so terrifying.


"Oh no! Somebody's coming! Run Tiff but silently!" He whispered into my ear.


I heard loud footsteps walking toward Justin and me with chains. My brother said we had to turn on 2 generators to escape. He said he'll go for the harder one. I agreed, because one, we're across the hall from one, which I'm getting, and two, the other guy is in the other room. We heard footsteps coming toward us and we stopped in our tracks. We saw the guy but he didn't see us. He was so tall, carrying a baseball bat with nails in it, and he was so muscular, his shirt was ripped up. I started tip toeing to the other door and I heard running. HE WAS RUNNING AFTER ME!

I quickly turned on the generator and hid. He was looking around but didn't find me. Thank God.

Justin turned on the other one and said we have to go. Quickly. I followed him onto an elevator platform and he quickly pressed the button. The big guy jumped up and said, "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY SO EASILY!" My brother kicked him and he fell 30 feet to his death.

A/N : Hello. Their is a continuing chapter on this (next chapter) leading to "places." I hope you guys enjoy. I'm trying my hardest to make it scary but there's nothing in my mind that comes up to Edgar Allan Poe or Stephen King or HP Lovecraft level. But thanks for the support and I'll cya later.




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Bye smexies lol


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