The Spiritual Affect

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We made our plan. David, the Resurrector, said that he would revive the dead spirit. He said he'd tell the old lady he'd do it illegally and for free, but he's doing it legally and for free. I hope the plan works.
We walked toward the house, and David knocked.
"Hello. Anybody home?"
The old lady opened the door slightly.
"Hello. Who are you..?"
David whispered, "I'm am David the Resurrector, I'm here to resurrect your spirit."
She looked at him. Curiously.
"How'd you know I have a spirit?"
"Ma'am, as a Resurrector I can hear and feel the dead."
She was buying it.
"Come right in."
David walked in. Justin, Logan, and I peeked through the window. David brought in the coffin, skulls, and roses. He mouthed something and
Logan said, "David said to the spirit to get in the coffin. Now he asked where's the body."
The old lady said, " in the attic. she'll bring it down in a jiffy."
She brought it down and it was all bones in a tuxedo suit. They put the corpse in the coffin and we watched David TRY to resurrect the spirit. It backfired on him. Mr. Spirit saw us and grabbed David by the neck, and stole his body. He started jiggling, and then got used to the legs and ran out the backyard to chase us. And, he's carrying knives.
"RUUUUUNNN!!" Logan and Justin yelled to me as we started running for our lives.
In other peoples perspective, it looked like a guy was trying to kill us-which is very true- with knives shoved down our throats.
I saw a person recording and another person calling somebody.
"Hello! 911! I see a man chasing 3 children down the street!.... South Hampton Drive! Please hurry!"
That's all I hear from the lady. I hear sirens. Yes! Cops!
"Freeze! If you move, we are authorized to shoot!"
David/spirit stood still,and all everyone sees is a black shadow get out of the body and enter the cop. This is not going to end well. He pointed the gun at the guy recording, and shot.
"Don't move! Anybody or I will kill you!" Spiritual Cop shouted.
I saw another cop car coming. Sirens off.
In the radio of the cop car, I hear, "Base,we got a 5-16 code red. Cop pointing a pistol at citizens. Over."
The spirit leaves the body while the car is about to hit the other car. This is going to be bad.

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